It's Time for Hurricane Preparedness
The Cloudburst Group
Solutions for global development, housing, and health in the U.S. and internationally.
This week is Hurricane Preparedness week. If you live in hurricane-prone areas, it’s time to prepare before hurricane season begins on June 1.
The Cloudburst Group assists HUD and its grantees in preparing for and responding to the immediate and long-term impacts of disasters, especially for our nation’s most vulnerable populations.
Among many other things, the Cloudburst Group’s disaster response and recovery teams:
- Support disaster shelter transition efforts, coordinating with FEMA and the American Red Cross.
- Design Rapid Rehousing programs following hurricanes, and supported shelter population relocation.
- Advise HUD Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) recipients to implement grant-funded programs for housing solutions focused on the unmet needs of vulnerable populations.
- Support CDBG Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) grantees to align their efforts with other federal programs resulting in a more cohesive hazard mitigation response at the federal, state, and local level.
Learn more about how you can prepare for hurricane season.
Learn more about Cloudburst’s work in disaster resiliency.