It’s Time to Forgive
I know. It’s another sensitive subject that most of us are likely to feel very strongly about. We all have our fair share of stories about being hurt, betrayed, abused, rejected and emotionally wounded. They’re all part of life’s tapestry. Some of these experiences leave a lasting mark on your hearts, lingering emotional scar tissue that too often defines how we see ourselves and the people we encounter. For most of us, this is a terrible waste of our energy. It’s a poor use of our ability to choose how we think and feel. It’s a habit that reinforces our suffering rather than helping us to heal and grow. Despite our profound attachment to these formative events, we ate still free to make better choices that will help us to live each day with a powerful sense of inner peace and abiding wellness. Let’s take a closer look.
If you’ve suffered the pangs of a broken heart or even the trauma of betrayal, the sense of injustice often leaves a feeling that something is incomplete or missing. We hold onto the emotional echoes of pain and disappointment because the events haven’t been closed or properly concluded. So, how do we move beyond the boundaries of our suffering and free ourselves from the past?
The simplest and perhaps the most effective answer is to learn to forgive. Holding onto our anger and our righteous indignation only perpetuates the problem. Forgiveness, regardless of who was responsible for the pain, sets us free. It’s a deeply cleansing act that sets emancipates us from the memories of unpleasant episodes. It does not mean that we forget. Rather, forgiveness creates the space in which we can consider our lives without the layers of emotional interference that invariably distort our recollection of what happened. This impersonal approach removes you from the equation. You can observe everything with a wonderful degree of detachment. The events certainly happened. But so did breakfast. The difference is only in the amount of emotional energy you choose to invest in your memory of these events. This is a moment of profound realisation. You discover that the past can only influence you through the medium of your emotional responses. In a state of inner calm, the past loses its tenacious grip on your perception and new possibilities open up. Forgiveness, an act that takes place within the sanctuary of your own heart, provides the catalyst for this remarkably liberating change. And then your life will change in ways that might surprise you.?