Its Time to Coach Based on the Trends

Its Time to Coach Based on the Trends

I was inspired by an article I just read on LinkedIn by Dan Schawbel : and it really illustrated very concisely what's going on in the workplace. Here are my top 10 solutions to the workplace to help offset some of the the effects of The Great Resignation:

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1.??????Schedule conversations-there is nothing more powerful than a conversation when a leader is truly listening and praising his or her employees. This will not happen unless we schedule it, and our weeks can quickly go by.

2.??????Find out what motivates every employee-when we do that, and we coach to that motivation it creates a deeper connection and emotional attachment to the organization and leadership. It makes it much tougher for somebody to leave the organization knowing someone is invested in the long term.

3.??????Use conversational language carefully-get rid of the word but as it is a great verbal eraser to the good stuff and concrete a negative emotion on the part of staff.

4.??????Visibility chats- call people into the office and ask them what they see on the front lines and simply listen. Do not interrupt and do not offer countering viewpoints just listen. Does not mean you have to agree, or you cannot come back to the conversation, yet this action builds trust immediately.

5.??????Celebrate performance publicly-when we celebrate and acknowledge what people are doing well it gives everybody something to aspire to and it shows your personal leadership brand and what you are about.

6.??????Ask questions-when we ask questions, we can build self-awareness in the people we are coaching and more importantly it could provide clarity i fwe truly listened to people's answers.

7.??????Use video to coach-start off a meeting with the motivational video and ask everybody in the group whether in person or virtually what they took away from the video, what they're going to do to apply successfully to the workplace the lesson from the video, and what are the steps they're going to take going forward on an ongoing basis to represent the message of the video.

8.??????Use quotes to coach-we once ran a session for our community for 60 straight minutes and never said a word we simply had a scrolling presentation asking people to write down their response to inspiring and motivating quotes. Within 55 minutes using two same polls we found there was a40% increase in people feeling better and we never said a word. The quotes did all the work.

9.??????Motion creates emotion-one of the things I love about Dan's article is that 79% of leaders in the C-Suite are now offering a hybrid model. With that being said, it is important that we get up and move around especially before meeting with our staff members. A brisk 15-minute walk or workout on a stationary bike will have us feeling and sounding more energetic.

10.??Implement fun-one of the things we do at our company is we run our business on a slack channel, and it is saved as so much time and money but not emailing each other. We often post funny articles or video clips just to keep the day fresh. Our staff have absolutely loved the freedom of sharing what they find humorous or interesting with the rest of the team.

Our actions as leaders today are critical to retain and develop top talent. We have been teaching coaching for 27 years in the workplace and I have never seen a reaction like we have had over the past 24months. Coaching has gone from it would be nice to do if I had time two organizations understanding not only the power of conversations yet that every leader has a role and responsibility to mentor and coach their staff members. Organizations who coach will have a much greater success rate than those companies who subscribe to the theory if I had time to coach I would. It is ...

Time to Coach

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