It's Time For A Change
I’ve noticed lately there has been a lot of upheaval within working practices of many of my clients. I felt it myself in my own executive coaching. It’s change. We are in the middle of major changes in how we conduct business. In working closely with clients, I also practice what I preach to them, so I wanted to share my discoveries with you.
Covid gave us a gift. The overwhelming shutdown of the world taught us that we can work anywhere. We can rise above challenges and be as effective and productive to meet previous expectations. But when this temporary situation lingered into a third year, it caused a stagnation in business development as well as career progression for some people. This became noticeably visible when we shifted towards getting back to some normalcy whether staying remote or fulltime back in the office or maybe, more realistically, a hybrid of both. Remember the great resignation? According to a July 2022 Fortune article, 40% of United States workers are still considering quitting their jobs if they haven’t already.
What does this mean?
Leaders still need to lead. More than ever, leaders need to change to keep up with the outside and inner demands of a competitive marketplace. Here is an opportunity to change. You catch the most fish when your line is in the water during changing tides. It takes guts to be a better leader. So how do I call out leaders and ask them to be bigger and better than they have been in their lives in this constant stream of uncertainty?
If you are a leader, you are expected to change and are exponentially morphing right in front of people—setting an example. You set the tone for your company. For me and the way I coach my clients, it is not a theory; it’s a model. There’s a difference between a theory and a model. Anyone can come up with textbook theories, but a model is taking a practice that brought success and recreating it to produce the same results over and over again. Leaders model that success. That’s why organizations need and should be conducting business only from their experience. I do not coach people to tell them what I think they should do. My guidance comes from what I observe, what is real for them, and what actually works.
What is change?
It usually comes about when a previous practice no longer results in a desired outcome. I learned from many years working with clients that change has structure. First you have to want to change. Then you seek a way or how you are going to change. This is where I come in and help. I facilitate the energy.?Then, you must commit time to allow it to happen.
Some leaders are a little nervous about change. It’s understandable but not a good enough excuse not to do something and stay in the natural rhythm of change.
I recently met with a client who shared insight into my process in which leaders listen to feedback from their peers. She and I discussed how “going outside of ourselves with insightful feedback” made her very moved and motivated. She said she was impressed because she had never seen a such open communication.
My process is to include others in their own journey. They want results. My witnessing this change is an awesome experience. ?
My own change is evident in a new website and outreach through this dedicated blog and a new newsletter. Follow me and we’ll discuss so much more about business practices, career growth, work-life balance.
If you have any questions, post something here or email me at [email protected] and I will address them.
Robert Paulson
Robert Paulson - 100% agree! Thank you for sharing and including me in your launch. Very best wishes to you moving forward sir.