It's time for CHANGE

I've been listening to a few things lately on line and the general consensus about a crisis such as the one we're all experiencing is that we can come through it and hopefully become better people, a better world. I agree with this and yet many things need to change to allow this to happen, not just within us, individually, but also our world. The leaders, our Royal family, politicians, large companies that have a big say in what happens, the banks and financial companies, the media, the TV people and the way in which celebrity seems to far outweigh the real people of this world.

Now, don't get me wrong, everyone has the same right to live a good, abundant and happy life, for certain. However, we seem to have been living in a world where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and those in between just hover, trying to make ends meet.

How we all determine success and wealth is of course different and not always measured in monetary terms, BUT success and status IS usually determined by how much money a person makes, how much they have and how fantastic a life they are living by flying around and doing this and that.

We're a world, certainly in the Western world anyway that puts status, so called celebrity, the STUFF people have, the way they live their lives in a certain style, the size of their bum and their false lips etc BEFORE who a person is, how they live their lives in terms of kindness, humanity, goodness and generosity, among other qualities. What is that all about?

They talk about all the plastic that's polluting our world and causing toxicity, well the whole world seems to have become plastic, in one way or another. Look at it. Most young girls look the same these days, or they want to, boys are killing each other on the streets because they don't know who they are and where they belong. We've got one-minute celebrities who've come out of nowhere telling us how to live our lives when theirs is constantly in the news due to drama, chaos and sometimes criminality too. Hello?

No-one wants to take responsibility either. We have people in the limelight seemingly doing 'good' when all the time, hidden underneath they're causing serious harm and damage to others, e.g. the Jimmy Saville case and many more and what do the BBC and others involved do about it? They hide it, don't take any notice of it and shove it under the carpet. Pretending that it's not happening here. Why? No-one wants to take responsibility.

People don't want to hear it and I bet one of the reasons is because they stand to lose face and lose alot of money. What? How can a person's life and their right to being treated with love and respect not worth more than someone/a company standing up and saying, 'we made a mistake’? 'This is wrong, we need to listen and we need to do something to stop this'.

The Catholic Church the same. I was brought up as a Catholic and it pains me to say this but it's true and its till goes on and in many other establishments too and in people's homes. You can't just pay someone off to compensate and hope that the problem goes away and THEY are NOT the problem anyway!

In Banking too and Politicians, Sports people and Celebrities and even the Royal Family. When we had the last recession and the economy went down, the people who caused it were still given their bonuses, swanning around in their grand homes and goodness knows what else, while the people further down the chain were losing their jobs. NO! They caused it, they should have been made to pay the consequences and take responsibility for their own actions and if anyone had to lose their job, make it theirs.

Politicians and Footballers who think they’re immune to paying fines when they act irresponsibly and foolishly and cause others harm and damage, JUST BECAUSE they carry an air of 'don't you know who I am'? about them. NO, they ought to take responsibility. If this were you or I. the 'ordinary' person, we'd be made to pay, you can bet on that being true.

It makes me mad that this sort of thing goes on all the time and that is seems to be 'the norm'. The Royal Family too. If a member of that establishment HAS been involved in criminal activity and done wrong, causing harm and damage to others, they too, no matter who they are need to be held accountable. It does NOT matter who people think they are, the status they think they carry and how much money they have to pay people off, if they are responsible, they need to be held to that and to pay the consequences. No wonder some of our younger people think it's ok to run around killing each other and issuing threats here and there, there's no-one and nothing to say otherwise.

'DO AS I DO, NOT AS I SAY AND LEAD BY GOOD EXAMPLE'. The rules need to apply to everyone, no matter who or what you think you are. If this crisis teaches us just one thing, it's that things really need to change. How we live needs to alter, BIG time.

A better and fairer balance in how things are shared, wealth being a big one.

Need not Greed.

Collaboration not Comparison.

People being held responsible and accountable for their own actions, EVERYONE!

More Love and Respect for each other.

LESS NOISE and more Consideration for others, in this area and generally in life.

NOT care less, but care more.

Less Plastic, more Presence, as in people. Real people, warts and all, doing good things and being valued for that. E.G. be yourself and honour that. People who've done good things, outstanding things getting Knighthoods and O.B.E.'s etc, not just anyone, as in some cases.

Less fake and negative news all the time and more POSITIVE stories and uplifting news.

NO ACTORS on TV being paid to deliver lies or celebrities telling us to do this and that when they don't, or to manipulate us into buying things we don't need and encouraging the culture of 'more, more and still more'!

Fear mongering all the time instead of supporting and encouraging.

Fairer and more accessible Housing costs for EVERYONE. How much money should it take for someone to be able to afford to live in a decent property, in a good environment? It's become ridiculous, outrageous and inhumane, a real struggle for many people and at any age. I include myself here. It's out of control and out of order.

How we tamper with Mother Nature - leave her alone, to do what she does best and in her own beautiful way and STOP building on every piece of land that lays bare or empty. Is it any wonder that our general state of Mental Health is deteriorating or getting worse? What's obvious? There's much less natural light and space, too big factors that can have a huge effect!

Instead of sending so many rockets and things to the Moon, let's look at what we can do to make THIS WORLD, OUR WORLD a better place to inhabit.

STOP fighting, criticising and judging. Instead, use our differences to complement each other and support each other, to bring more to the table. Join together or 2gether!

I'm sure there is a great deal more that I can add to this list and probably you can too, but you get the picture.

It's time for CHANGE, that I do believe.

With love, and the intention to make some changes in my world today.

Lou xx


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