It's Time to Build Momentum for 2021
We’re now into the last month of the year. In a few short weeks, 2021 will arrive. The question is how you and I will arrive. We are in constant motion. Neutral is not a choice. Only you and I can decide if we are going to arrive by chance or by choice.
It is with certainty I say 2020 brought more changes, more interruptions to the status quo, in a shorter period than any year in my lifetime.
The interruptions and changes have created uncertainty along with stories of unemployment and bankruptcies. There have also been stories of success.
Do you know one thing successful people have in common with unsuccessful people? Both groups hate to do what’s necessary to be successful. The difference is successful people do it anyway.
There have been restaurants that didn’t want to offer take-out. Many businesses didn’t want to operate remotely. Some of the restaurant owners began offering take-out orders anyway. Some businesses started operating remotely anyway. Those that didn’t are no longer in existence.
The events of 2020 are happening to all of us. It’s how we are choosing to respond that will have a major impact on our future results. Those that have lost jobs and are choosing to wait for the pandemic to end and economy to recover may suffer long-term repercussions. Those that took their layoffs as a sign it was time to pursue other options may rebound much sooner, if not already.
Successful people are ordinary people that do the little “extra” to become extra-ordinary. They make the extra call today rather than wait until tomorrow. They send out the reply email today. They handwrite a Thank You card & drop it at the post office on the way home. Why? There are a couple reasons…one known, the other may not be realized on a conscious level.
First, success comes from making small, routine, mundane choices consistently over a long period of time not a one-time big event. Additionally, the little extra makes one standout from all the “normal” people. If we look, there are no plaques or statutes of people that “just did the normal” things. No business has ever achieved substantial success by doing what the average competitor does. An interview published in a magazine never has a quote “we owe all our success to doing the bare minimum just to survive.”
Consistency creates a compounding effect, like interest on a savings account. The little extra today added to the little extra tomorrow and the day after that, and so forth, eventually becomes “a lot of extra.”
On a subconscious level, and most importantly, consistency creates momentum. Jim Rohn pointed out, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away – not 7 apples on Sunday.” When exercising, it’s better to work out an hour a day than 7 hours one day.
If we think of a locomotive engine traveling at 60 miles an hour it can go straight through a 5-foot wall of concrete. If we take the same train sitting still on the track and put a 2-inch block of steel in front of its wheels it cannot move.
It’s the same way with our dreams and obstacles. If we start moving towards our dreams and do something every day towards reaching them our momentum will help us burst through huge obstacles like they are nothing. If we only do something to reach our dreams once a week, when we think about it, or when we have time, a tiny obstacle no taller than an inch high will bring us to a screeching halt.
I share this to say how we end the year is how we start the next year. It’s easy to start slowing down, focusing on the holiday(s) and New Year celebration. The only way to make the New Year any different from this year is to head into it with momentum! Just think, doing so might make next year’s resolutions a reality instead of a nice thought by February!
For success in losing weight, start watching the sweets now and get into an exercise routine this week! If you want to earn more money, focus on growing your business or starting one now. Start today if you want to improve your relationships.
Imagine if you start today, doing just a little bit extra in every area, you want to improve in, the momentum you’ll have going over the next 3+ weeks. By the time January 1st rolls around, your momentum will crash through any obstacle in the way of you reaching your New Year’s resolutions!
Now is the opportunity to put time on your side! Choose now to recognize your loved ones daily. Take daily steps towards a better you. Create your own methods. Act differently. You can do more. You can achieve more.
We can’t change the past, but we can change the future. We can decide if we’d rather be influenced by something we can’t change or be influenced by something we do have control over.
Focusing on what you can control will have more positive effect on your house than who is in the White House.
Remember, there is greatness within you. You must choose greatness. It won’t develop on its own. I believe in you!
“Momentum is the world’s greatest problem solver.” – John C. Maxwell
Take Action Today!
If you would like assistance with building momentum, I can help you. We can meet by phone, on Zoom, or in a place you deem safe with social distancing. Whether you choose me or someone else, a coach will expedite your results.
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Published by Bryan M. Balch, Results Coach
Helping Individuals and Businesses Achieve Desired Results