It’s Time To Bridge The Knowledge Gap For Better Kidney Care

It’s Time To Bridge The Knowledge Gap For Better Kidney Care

Kidney disease affects approximately 850 million people worldwide. Amongst the various types of kidney disease, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the most common. It has been projected to become the 5th most common cause of years of life lost globally by 2040. In India, the prevalence of CKD is increasing at an extravagant rate. This is due to a lack of awareness about maintaining kidney health and the growing burden of hypertension and diabetes. Most population is unaware that hypertension and diabetes are leading risk factors for chronic kidney disease and hence, do not undergo proper screening of their kidneys' health. It is essential to bridge the knowledge gap and create awareness for better management of kidney health.?

What are the risk factors for CKD??

There are numerous risk factors that are associated with CKD?

Risk factors associated with CKD

Different Stages of CKD??

Each stage of CKD is based on the eGFR (Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate)?

Stages of CKD

The increasing burden of CKD is attributed to its association with diabetes. Approximately One in 3 adults with diabetes is suffering from CKD. Furthermore, several research reveals that more than 50% of patients suffering from diabetes are unaware of the existence of CKD or any renal damage before the onset of symptoms due to lack of simple urine albumin test or serum creatinine estimation.?

On this World Kidney Day, we would like to share clinical insights from THB’s proprietary data to spread awareness about kidney disease and bridge the knowledge gap to better kidney care in the Indian population.??

A look at Indian Real Word Evidence Comparison between individuals with diabetes and those without diabetes for CKD?

We have analysed and compared various kidney function tests between diabetic and non-diabetic lab samples in 1.1 million population. The parameters evaluated included creatinine levels, and electrolyte levels (sodium and potassium).?

Out of which 43% individuals were less than 45 years of age and 58% individuals were more than 45 years of age. ?

Comparison of Kidney parameters for Chronic Kidney Disease with THB Real World Data

Source: RWE study carried out by THB on its proprietary dataset ?

In individuals less than 45 years of age, we found out that as compared to non-diabetics, the percentage of higher abnormal creatinine and electrolyte values was more in diabetics.??

Comparison of Chronic Kidney Disease in patients above 45 years of age with THB Real World Data

Source: RWE study carried out by THB on its proprietary dataset ?

In individuals more than 45 years of age, we found out that as compared to non-diabetics, the abnormal levels of creatinine and electrolytes were higher in diabetics.??

Interpretation of the Study?

From the data, we observed that comparisons of diabetics and non-diabetics in both the age groups (less than 45 years and more than 45 years) suggested that people with diabetes are at higher risk of developing CKD compared to non-diabetics. Several studies have reported that the risk of developing CKD is much higher in persons suffering from diabetes and the risk increases with the duration of diabetes. Thus, it is important to regularly screen for kidney health especially in diabetics to avoid progression of chronic kidney disease and serious health complications.?

How can we prevent CKD??

We need to be aware and take charge of our kidney health, treatment to prevent CKD should begin early before kidney damage occurs. These golden rules can help in better management of kidneys health:?

1) Adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle?

2) Educate ourselves about kidney health?

3) Check and monitor glucose & blood pressure levels?

4) Avoid smoking?

5) Get your kidney function checked regularly?

Chronic kidney disease is an emerging public health issue globally, if left untreated can be life-threatening. In India diabetes and hypertension accounts for 40-60% of cases of CKD. Diabetic kidney disease is a medical catastrophe with high prevalence, poor diagnosis, and lack of organized data. THB with its RWE platform provides a detailed insight into CKD and its prevalence amongst people with diabetes backed with structured datasets. It is vital to identify and take preventive measures for better management of kidney diseases.?



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