None of us can say for sure how long we are here on earth. No one can say with absolute surety that they will see tomorrow. But we are hopeful. Life has an expiry date. We need to learn to master it and live it full before it expires.
The first and most important factor is to know the season we are in. Seasons can affect our outcome. I believe we have the ability to create our season, we can change our season and we can influence our season. But the first step is to know the season.
I believe it's time to bloom!
Once I know the season, I need to start acting on the season. Making the most of it knowing that the expiry date is a surprise. So I better act NOW!
Do what you have to do - Now. Forgive those you have to forgive - Now. Reconcile with those you have to reconcile - Now.
Say thank you - Now. Ask - Now. Give - Now. Dont wait for another day that you haven't even seen to do what you want to do.
Today is the day and NOW is the time.