It's Time for Battle
Jennie Allen , founder of the IF:Gathering and author of Get Out of Your Head, said (can't remember where, on the podcast?) that ...
if you’re doing good for God, all hell will break loose to stop you.
I was awake early today worrying about my problems. Well, my first world problems are small, but significant. Since I’ve published my new book, Crazy, as Usual, to pave the way to freedom for women who are believing the lie that they’re not good enough, qualified or worthy… the monkeys have been at work:
That lost shipment could arrive on my doorstep any day, but it hasn't yet. I can see it. I visualize it there every time I turn into the driveway. This morning I opened the door to walk the dog before heading to Get High on Motivation to motivate people to take charge against the monkeys. No books.
For a minute, I was sad.
And then I was mad.
And I was very nice to the sweet Amazon customer support people who really do want to help, but I was mad at the bad monkeys, the opposing forces.
We can lay down and give up when circumstances beat our plans, or we can fight back and claim the freedom that's already ours.
Would you join me in fighting back? Would you send this new Amazon link to people you know who are fighting the monkeys? I know the words in this book are powerful when it's this hard to get it into readers' hands.