It's that time again!
Yes, it's that time again…. New media types are hitting the market and anyone who crams one in their box first is claiming biggest and bestest on the market.
I’ve been working with NetApp technology for a long time. As I consultant I used it because it was the best value for my customers. Now I've invested my career here. Remember when we made SATA on RAID-6 faster than everyone else’s SAS array? Many customers continue to leverage SAS for performance because our SAS implementations can still compete with AFAs. NetApp’s AFAs are world record holders and get faster / more efficient with every code release.
Through all of this we’ve maintained a suite of features that are far more important than performance. More recently we’ve delivered features to make sure that as new media types emerge they will be compatible with your existing investments, can co-exist in the same clusters, and can seamlessly move data between them. Cloud has even become one of those media types.
Yes new media types are emerging and just like everyone else, we are doing amazing things with them. Our test lab results are so screaming fast that I’m uncomfortable saying how fast they are. They’re so fast that I’m actually afraid of losing credibility by talking about them! Numbers like 4 million IOPs at 4 MICRO-seconds of latency are coming but what’s most exciting is that when those numbers are really here to be ordered, they will fit in your current NetApp clusters and you can move your data to them without any downtime at all. Plus you’ll still have all of the critical non-performance features that you’ve built your business around.
All the new kids on the block always say we're dead. I don't even have to comment on that. We are their target, that's a good place to be and it's for good reason.
It doesn’t matter what your performance requirements are, we can meet them. It doesn’t matter what the media is, our implementation will be faster. More importantly we can bring a comprehensive portfolio of Next Generation Data Center solutions and Data Management capabilities. Don’t waste your time and money on hype. NetApp has you covered.