It's the thought that counts.
Hey All,
Keep sending me these little stories, some of the best ones are the pranks that you've pulled. I might have to do a whole different thread for those.
Here is a little anecdote that has been sent to me from one of my ex-colleagues regarding resetting a user's password and a grumpy IT guy, let's call him Dan:
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Fran walks up to grumpy Dan (IT guy).
Fran: Hi, I have forgotten my password. Can you reset it for me please?
Grumpy Dan: What do you mean you've forgotten your password!? It's the most important thing you could possibly need to remember!?
Fran: Well, erm, it was Christmas, and I had three weeks off, and I just kinda let my hair down. Really sorry.
Grumpy Dan: Sit back down, I'll get round to it and I'll let you know when I've done it.
Fran goes and sits back down and stares at his coffee. Grumpy Dan lean over to his colleague Bob and whispers...
Grumpy Dan: Hey Bob, Can you reset my admin password, I've forgotten it.
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