But it's sunny today
Overheard between a father and son at the park today:?
“Look dad, we can rent a kite to fly around in the?park!”
“That’s awesome, we should totally do that another day when it’s?sunny.”?
“…but it’s sunny?today.”?
The irony of planning is that we can jump to making a plan so reflexively in response to any idea, and become so engrossed in the process of making it, that we never actually make it happen.
We also fall prey to another predicament when we try to make our plans ever more perfect:
For example, everyone has a friend (maybe that friend is you) that can’t listen to a full song in the car for the life of them.
They keep skipping, and skipping, and skipping in search for the perfect track. All the while, never managing to listen to a complete song. And any partial song they do manage to listen to is tragically met with the thought: “but I wonder if the next one will be better.”?
Planning is useful but it isn’t the point.?
The best plans are not the ones we’re endlessly thinking about or perfecting, it’s the ones we actually make happen.?
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About me:
I'm a second-generation Taiwanese American trying to find life’s greatest sources of meaning and make the most out of it