It's still live n the air ?
Yes .I know . The Valentine's celebration is over . But why don't write about love and very close relationships just out of this special day?
The first of all we don't value happy, loving relationships like before anymore . This is my the very first conclusion . As actually this day has been invented just for commercial issue perhaps there is a amazing story of priest handed in marriage even if it put his in danger as its was prohibited in Rome Empire that times . Guys were wanted in army non as formers of families.
Nowadays family institution is collapsed . We don't need partners anymore . Concept of friends with benefit became so in common . Even formal relationships occur in different ,weird dynamics as opened , long distance , two separate households on so. Love is love and we are free to create that kind of relationships which we consider as non distracting our independency . The question here is how to define anybody as totally free or independent .
We want everything right now ,served like a pop corn from microwave without any additional problems and responsibility ,not understanding advantages from a long term loving relationship . We don't want consider patience .And I would have here incredible story about my aunt and uncle sixty five a long way marriage . How it has been a touching moment ,when I saw her preparing his favourite meal.
Whilst our mental health is like a garden which we need peel sometimes and clear from a weeds love is like a plaint . We need fill the water, full others cups so we can be sure that in fact we impact them in some positive way. For this reason we need fill our cups first . So take care of Yourself before of others because You cannot fill others cups while Yours is empty.
But from the other hand think about others needs as well and try to meet up with them when this is possible . I want introduce concept the joy of sharing which is the most healthy option . To be grateful for having that second half in Your life.
Its really must to be a hard job? When is love and emotional bond created by connection and doing something for each other every day and good communication everything is easier. Read a language of love.