It's still Cold in TEXAS?? ????
Have you ever heard the phrase “cold hands, warm heart”?
In healthcare, we use it often. While a handshake might feel chilly, it’s the warmth in our interactions that truly counts.
This past week in Dallas Texas we had a arctic blast!
For those who are used to living in other regions of the world, 12 degree with a wind chill making it feel like -2 degree may be nothing to you
But to us Texans........... ITS SERIOUS LOL
When you get hit with a cold wind chill it knocks you off your feet
Well, have you ever had an encounter with someone and they hit you with an "arctic freeze"?
Maybe it was unintentional but they were just....... COLD
In our field, first impressions are everything. Whether you’re greeting a patient, connecting with a colleague, or forging new partnerships, the way you present yourself sets the tone for the entire interaction.
Here are some key principles to ensure your first impression is as "warm as your heart":
1. Acknowledgment
2. Appearance
3. Active Listening
4. Alacrity ??(one of my favorite words - its means cheerfulness, brisk, accepting and willing)
5. An Attitude of Promptness
In healthcare, your first impression can set the stage for a patient’s entire experience.
But its not just Healthcare.....its everywhere!!!!
While cold hands might be a reality, it’s the warmth of your heart and the sincerity of your care that truly make a difference.
As Maya Angelou said, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Let’s continue to make every encounter count and ensure our patients leave feeling cared for and valued.
It may be the last week of cold here in Texas...... but don't let your encounters with other be cold ????
Check out this quick video on "Cold Hands...Warm HEART"