IT’S SEPTEMBER – Don’t Miss These Events!
By the time that you read this (hopefully some of you will), Labor Day will be in the rearview mirror, summer vacation will be a distant memory, we will have caught our breath, gathered ourselves and are now prepared to head into the Fall full speed ahead. While we have been enjoying the Summer, our intrepid staff and dedicated section and committee chairs have been planning a number of CLE, networking and public service events beginning in September and continuing throughout the Fall and into December. I want to highlight a few of them here.
Annual Golf Outing
On September 9, 2024, we have our annual golf outing and cocktail reception at the Saint Andrews Golf Club in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. For those of you that golf, I am told that this is a beautiful course. The format is a scramble (best ball counts) and it is a shot gun start. For those of you who don’t or are unable to golf, but love cocktails and networking, join me at the cocktail reception at the club from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Golf awards will be distributed, there will be a 50/50 raffle and networking opportunities abound. This is a beautiful way to get back into the swing of things, reconnect with colleagues and meet new ones. To register, click here. If you are looking to be a sponsor, there are still opportunities available, but they are going fast. This type of marketing is perfect for people who get and do business with lawyers. If interested, please contact our executive director, Isabel Barney, at [email protected].
Mediation Basics
Thinking about becoming a mediator or adding mediation skills to your practice? Need CLE credits? Starting on September 12, 2024 and continuing through September 14, 2024, our Treasurer, past co-chair of our Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee and mediator extraordinaire Marc Sheridan is conducting a three-day basic mediation training program. This basic training is an important first step required by 22 NYCRR Part 146.4(b) toward becoming a mediator in New York. The cost for this program cannot be beaten (just search for other such programs online and compare) and you will also receive a $50 credit towards the advanced commercial training program that Marc will be offering in November (I will be registering for that one).? And if you complete the course, you will receive 24 CLE credits.
I am a commercial litigator. I took a basic training course several years ago in New York City (it was almost double the price of this course!) and it has helped me resolve cases for my clients more effectively. My listening skills have improved, and I gained a greater understanding of the myriad ways that disputes can be resolved in a more efficient and client-friendly (lower cost) manner. For those of you who don’t know Marc, he is an excellent attorney, mediator, teacher and an all-around great guy. I cannot recommend this program enough. To register, click here.
WCBA Section and Committees Forum
Are you looking to get involved in the WCBA but don’t know where to begin? Or maybe you are looking to meet new people, expand your substantive legal knowledge to a different practice area, or promote your expertise to colleagues and potential referral sources and clients? Then this free online forum is for you! Organized by our Membership Committee, co-chaired by Board members Arthur Muller and Francesca Mountain, the section and committee forum will be held via Zoom from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm on September 17, 2024. Our goal is to have each committee and section represented by one or more co-chairs or existing members who will give us a short overview of each committee’s or section’s mission and a summary of things that they are working on, to help each of us determine whether we want to join that committee or section.
This is a great opportunity to find ways to meet people, work to educate your fellow members and the public and get involved in public service projects. For those of you who have been reading my columns or have spent any time speaking with me, you know that I firmly believe that participating in committees and/or sections is vital if you want to maximize your WCBA membership. I am a member of the ADR committee, Appellate Practice committee, Business and Commercial Law committee, Cannabis Law committee, Diversity committee and Public Service committee. I have chaired committees, planned CLEs, written articles for this magazine (besides these columns), participated in numerous public service events and met lots and lots of wonderful attorneys and non-attorneys, who have become friends, colleagues, mentors, mentees and business referral sources. So come join us and get started! To register, click here.
Tort Litigation Overview – From Initial Call to Case Completion
If you are an attorney looking to handle or improve your ability to handle serious tort cases, this two–part in person series is for you. Part 1, on September 19, 2024, from 6:00 – 9:00 pm, covers topics such as case intake, pleadings, discovery, depositions, pre-trial motions and procedures and opening statements. Part 2, on September 26, 2024, from 6:00 – 9:00 pm, covers topics such as direct examination, cross-examination, closing arguments and post-trial motions and procedures. This program, which has taken years to put together, is being run by Keith J. Clarke, an experienced trial attorney and fantastic instructor, who handles all aspects of serious personal injury, medical malpractice and sexual abuse and assault cases in his practice. This is a great opportunity to learn about this important area of the law and acquire tactical and courtroom skills and knowledge that will be invaluable. To register, click here.
2024 Westchester Heart Walk
And last, but not least, are you interested in helping our community? Want to enjoy a Fall Walk in beautiful Valhalla, NY with friends and colleagues? Then come join the WCBA team at the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk on September 28, 2024, at Kensico Dam Plaza, 1 Bronx River Parkway, Valhalla, New York! This is a great way to get some exercise, enjoy the fresh air and walk with your fellow members and friends, all while raising money to support the American Heart Association!
Did you know that cardiovascular disease occurs every 39 seconds and is the No. 1 killer of all Americans? Heart disease also kills more women than all forms of cancer combined. And congenital cardiovascular defects are the most common cause of infant death from birth defects. By walking and/or donating, you will help save lives, by funding lifesaving science that, among other things, can create an artificial heart valve, prevent a stroke, correct heart defects in newborn babies, and someday find a cure for high blood pressure.
The Event opens as 9:00 am and the walk begins at 10:00 am. Many thanks to Brian Belowich, a member of our Board of Directors and co-chair of the Public Service Committee for organizing this event. And if you are unable to walk but want to donate, do not hesitate! To register and/or donate, click here.
So that’s September. And we are just getting started. It’s never too late to get involved. Any questions? Feel free to contact me at [email protected].