It's Not Real If You Don't Write It Down
Tabetha Sheaver, Certified EOS Implementer?
Helping entrepreneurial leadership teams get traction in their business!
First off, let’s get one idea clear: Your organization needs documentation – even if you’re using Agile Methodology for your development.
It’s a fallacy that using Agile means you don’t write documentation. Agile seeks to minimize waste, yes. But it’s misguided to eliminate documentation altogether. Rather, you should be creating records of what you’ve done—decisions made, processes implemented, outcomes, etc.—and creating documents that will be used.
Because there’s value to having this information in a fixed format and readily available to your team.
The way you get this documentation, with the least effort? By making it part of your development process. Instead of functioning as a separate activity, when documentation becomes part of the process, it becomes an essential part of development, and your entire team gains an interest in creating and maintaining it.
So how do you get to that point?
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