It's to real-ize... we crave each other
1. There is no such thing as a God with a religion. You and I have... people have... religions. Each one of us taps into our "grace" when we pray. We all make ONE voice. To the SAME God.
2. For the first time in the history of humanity, all of us are on the same journey. In every nation. Rich or poor. Black or white. Democrats or Republicans. Asian or Caucasian. We are all breathing together. We are ALL ONE spiritual, bio-physical, ecological, holy, system of life!
Some mystics prophesied. Some gurus predicted... the world would soon end. Yes, I agree it is a kind of ending. It's more like a transformation to me ~ a SHIFT from doing/getting to meaning. Less taking --> More experiencing. Less Self --> More We. We are forced to rally together now, just as we had to when the fires broke out in California and Australia. During flash floods in Jakarta. When drought hit the US farmers.
SomeONE upstairs obviously has a plan. HE or she simply wants us to walk with each other, be near to each other, BE WITH each other. Touch each other again. Remember the times we walked on the beach, played with our children in the park, and celebrated birthdays, anniversaries and weddings together? How we crave the simple things again!
And so I pray, stay close to us Lord. Hover over us. Touch our hearts. Open our eyes. Give us strength to reach out to YOU so YOU will save us. Yet again.