It's the Quality of the Idea
Tamarah Ellen
Entertainer/Host of Tamarah's Closet LIVE INTERVIEWS, Writer & Photographer
I thought I would share a quote from Versace that spoke to me! I was watching a movie about him and found him fascinating! One thing he said that stood out was this: “It’s not the quality of the sketch, it’s the quality of the idea.”
I think this can carry over to other areas of life. Often when we are working on our dreams, or working on our skills, we think because we are lacking in one skill, that our desired outcome won’t come to fruition. This just isn’t true.
I remember when I went to college to be a fashion designer, I thought because my mother couldn’t sew, that I couldn’t either. When I got to a stumbling block in the sewing part, I was frustrated and gave up quickly, which isn’t like me. I had those false beliefs instilled in my mind, and because I was young, didn’t push through. Things change over time, and now with computers, things can be done on the internet and digitally. Also, I thought because I didn’t consider myself having the ability to draw, I couldn’t get my ideas on paper. But I could mold fabrics into shapes on a doll or mannequin, with pins! There is always a way!
In photography when I am working on an idea, or an idea for Tamarah’s Closet, when I come to a place where I don’t have the right equipment, I may feel I can’t follow through at times. I always find a solution to make my idea happen. It may take more work, but my persistence and strong will get me to where I need to be!
If you want to succeed in life, even in relationships, there is always a solution to every problem. Most people give up too quickly. You must learn to be a problem solver in every area of your life; work, as an entrepreneur, and relationships! If you are not willing to push through and seek solutions, you will forever remain stuck.
Success isn’t free. It takes stamina to keep things moving forward. Just like relationships, you must have a willingness to find solutions, give in, meet each other half-way and forgive. In work we must do the same thing. We must be willing to pick ourselves back up, seek solutions and remain strong!
Just as Versace said, “the quality of the idea” is what counts. How you get there, doesn’t matter. You don’t have to have everything in place to get to your dream! You just find courage, a willingness to work and your ideas will come to fruition; relationships find their way to work out! ~Tamarah Ellen~
Photography by Tamarah Ellen
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