Hey, you wanna play?
Of course you do. So, c’mon, let’s have some fun.
Ok then, what shall we play?
Name your game. What turns you on - are you into fantasy, challenge, adventure, competition?
It’s like this: In this digital age, game playing has become a solitary escapist scenario. Sure, onanism can be fun – for a while – but just like sex, it’s way more fun to play and share your toys with somebody else.
Maybe you’re into board games like chess or go, which are about strategy and outsmarting your opponent.
Or maybe you’re into gambling games - in which lady luck plays a big part. It can be something as simple as flipping a coin, or throwing dice, or playing the lottery, or roulette (Russian anybody).
Or there’s a zillion card games.
What about games of bluff and brinkmanship - like poker or politics (but that’s one heavy duty power game rife with double-dealing, dirty tricks and skulduggery, so it’s definitely not for fun). Or – horrors – war games.
How about intellectual games i.e. problem solving.: puzzles, Rubik’s cubes, crosswords. Or if you really want to get your knickers in a knot, how about giving Riemann Hypothesis or Newcomb's Paradox a shot?
Or RPGs (you know, Dungeons & Dragons and their ilk).
Or skill-based competitive sports – everything from tiddlywinks to the Olympics.
Or creative games using the God-given power of imagination.
Or partnership and team games.
Hey, what about the mating game?
Ah…now we’re getting serious. This is playing for keeps; playing with fire - venturing into territory where the prizes and penalties can turn your world inside out. And not just short term.
Alright then, it’s abfab to have choices, but let’s get real.
I’m talking about what is in fact not just the BEST, but the ONLY game in town. Aka life.
So, how’re you doing in that one? What’s the score? You winning or losing?
It goes like this; mastering a game requires knowing the rules, having a winning strategy, skill, perseverance and luck. Lotsa luck. As the saying goes – an ounce of good luck is worth a pound of good planning.
Real-life games are way trickier than parlour games though, because it seems that the goal posts keep moving, the rules keep changing, and the score-keeper is crooked. In other words, you’re not on a level playing field.
Given all this, what’s the strategy then for being a real-life winner?
Here’s a clue or two:
Let’s use the metaphor of a card game.
That is to say, how to best play the hand you’ve been dealt. You know, the vagaries of genetics, upbringing, education, opportunities, etc.
Now, before you start crying about what lousy cards fate has dealt you, let me point out that you’ve actually got an ace up your sleeve.
WTF you say!
Let me explain: The ACE stands for Awareness–Clarity-Energy!
A is for AWARENESS. Which is all about being attentive and focused; about being receptive, tuned in to and cognizant of what’s going down, up, round and round, or nowhere.
C is for CLARITY. In order to make sense of not just what, but why and how it’s all happening – i.e. raw data - you need to reflect on and process it, which means having a clear, focused and undisturbed mind. It’s about data processing and pattern recognition. And this is a prerequisite for making wise decisions and creating an effective plan of action.
So now you’re ready to put things into action. And for that you need the big E for ENERGY.
The thing is, energy is key, because when you’re exhausted, you’re too tired, too wired to think straight, to shoot straight. So, WTF (what’s the fix)? What can you do to regain your clarity, presence of mind, and serenity; regenerate your energy and vitality; and rejuvenate your health (mind, body and spirit)? In short, to max your mojo.
You need energy, right? And this is where?Kinergy?kicks ass.
What’s?so special about Kinergy anyway?
Bottom line - the Kinergy Energy Master Key is the most advanced program on the market?for re-energising and overcoming exhaustion. Kinergy?is a unique modality that deals DIRECTLY with energy.?It?integrates the best clinically-validated metabolic?and neuromuscular conditioning strategies - Western and Eastern - with mind-body therapies.?
Check it out at
As I said, life is the game. Bear in mind though, you’re not just in it to win it, but also for the sheer enjoyment (aka fun & games). That’s why it’s called play.
Let the games begin!