Alles: Live Training in Creating Dialogue, Friday 5th Aug 2022

More than the ties that bind us, more than what we call our 'limitations' is the stone we lay atop those things.

It is the stone we call 'personal' with which we label our limitations that keeps them in place, that hides them from the light, and keeps them moist and teeming with small, dark, and writhing things.?

By calling our limitations personal, we make them ugly, something with a smell and better to be dealt with alone in the same way we hide when we defecate.?

They are the embodiments of shame.?

In fact, as a shorthand, we may even call them our 'shit'.

Unbeknownst to us though is how we make these shame-things by lopping them off from the whole.?

We make the limitation something unworthy by raping it from the collective and calling it ours, alone. The aloneness we feel is not misplaced, but as a possibility, it is mistaken.?

What if our traumas, our ineffective beliefs, our sad ideas, our worries, fears, and concerns, were not something erroneous in us, but the habituating of a larger organism, vibrating in the bones we call 'I'?

What might we experience if our limitations were not personal?

What light might be shed on our sense that we are frozen from reaching those things we are called to??

What melting might occur, without any effort on our part, that might free a limb or two to move in the direction of that which we desire?

This, I believe, is the primary function of our coming together in a collective to investigate these things we call limitations.?

It is not the collective force of the collective that we use to overpower the enormous gravity of the limitations we call personal. It is not that we need an army of supporters to help us break free from our individual chains.?

No. Instead, it is the awakening to the fact that this chain is not one that binds us, but one that binds us all.?

Together, in our seeing that a single rusted chain runs through each of our hearts, we all lift gently and this gentle lifting is enough to set us all free at once.

This is why in our Creating circles which run over the course of many months or in our 3-hour live training, it is being present and alive in collective dialogue that the experience of transformation is most profound. Each voice that speaks an aspect of our commonality brings us into contact with that common. It dematerializes the stone of the personal and sends the bugs and worms of our worries and concerns slithering away.?

Maybe community is not about the force-majeure, but about re-membering.

And when we are re-membered, when we are whole, we can stand, move, and create.

Do not underestimate the call you feel to be engaged in a conversation, over and over again, because of what it does to you in the moments of it's doing. Do not be blinded by the story that you must connect the dots of causality from this dollar to that.?

Move towards the conversation that sets you free to be not-alone, not-personal, and you will feel the power-that-is course through you.

This is the higher purpose of Creating Dialogue.

At Alles, you will learn a process to bring into awareness a way of Being that limits an individual - be that you or another. This bringing into awareness is not only for the individual and it is not just for each of the individuals present to the awakening. The highest purpose of Creating Dialogue is for the realization that any way of Being is not yours, not mine, not even ours, but something beyond us all.?

When we are in contact with this we are entirely free to create what we will. We speak what we see, we follow what we feel and we do what we desire. Unobstructed by what once we called personal, we are empowered as Pure Creators and the life that we live is an unfolding that mesmerizes everyone, including ourselves.?

If you'd like to be part of a conversation that liberates both by the blade of the tool of the process it teaches you and by the experience of being present to that tool in use, then grab your place at Alles now by clicking this link.

The fee is still $197, but it will soon begin moving towards $297, an incentive to act with immediacy, meaning nothing in the middle of your doing and your desire.

I look forward to re-membering with you on Friday 5th August at Alles.

Loving you, JPM

P.S. You can read about ALLES here:?


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