In Its Own Time

In Its Own Time

Don't waste time in idleness, but don't race ahead of your life either. Let life come in its own time.


Avoid making urgencies out of what's not urgent. Take the time to live, to enjoy, to think, to focus.


Going fast just for the sake of going fast is a waste of energy. You would not even want to have it all now, so give yourself the time to enjoy what you do have.


Prepare yourself well, but don't borrow problems from the future. You're perfectly capable of dealing with whatever arises, and worrying about tomorrow is not a good use of today.


Rushing through each moment mostly gives you a big helping of anxiety. Consider slowing down a little, and discover how much more fulfilled life feels.


There is no need to rush. You have this beautiful day to experience as all its great treasures unfold.

Make?it a great week!


