It’s Not Over
A lot of us can relate to this:
You’re watching a Marvel movie and it comes to it’s closing scene and all those many many things after. But you sit glued to your seat with your eyes fixed to the screen in anticipation. It seems like the show has ended. But knowing the writer — Marvel, you know it’s not over.
Well, that’s exactly how life is.
Everyone’s life is a story. And there are some parts of our story that seems like the end. We watch our whole world crumble around us as everything we hold dear goes to shit.
I’m writing this not because I’ve got everything all figured out and I’m trying to teach you. No. This is a note to self that I’ll rather share than just store in my shelf.
Uzo, sit tight, keep your eyes wide open in anticipation. There’s a sequel coming and it’s amazing to see. Remember this because you know the writer — God. It’s not over.