It’s About Our Common Humanity

It’s About Our Common Humanity

It’s About Our Common Humanity

Onakpoberuo Onoriode Victor

Friday, April 22, 2022

Be kind, sensitive and empathetic in your affairs with people; however, be also very discerning.

Do not pursue your goals to the detriment of other salient aspects of life. No matter what your vision is, it will always be about people; or would you like it that after achieving your goals, you are left standing alone on the high peak of success?

Every life vision will ultimately help you get properly integrated into your society. When the pursuit of your vision extricates you from your environment and you begin to perceive it as a problem/limitation, it is a quick indication for you to know that you are out of harmony with humanity. Your vision, if it’s all about you will only end with you after much personal struggles.

The key here is for you to change your perception of the relationship between your society and your vision or goal. You must change the way you perceive your environment. If you have been in the habit of negatively branding your society, have it in mind that you will never make any significant impact there. If you have the attitude of "people are always slowing me down” It is a sure indication of a disharmony with your society or an over estimation of your capability.

Your vision is to a people; you must love them and properly integrate with them, for anything called impact to materialize.

You can never be better than your environment or dissociate yourself from it; this is because your environment right now is a reflection of who you are; as you improve so will your environment improve too.

Learn to value the people around you; because that is the only way you can have access to meaningfully inspire social change. INSTEAD of looking for their faults look for their strengths...instead of differences, commonalities should thrive and there cannot be any common unifying need more important to our collective humanity than that of being alive and well.

Therefore live, but let others live also.


Thank you.


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