It’s only a crime if you don’t get caught
Daniel Mies
Helping companies and their workforce to join the Apple revolution | Structure & Flow at MadMacX ? Apple in Business
More of a journal entry, really
If I’m honest, I’m often shifting between apathy and anger when it comes to the choices we are making as a society. I’m a leftist and I’m neither hyper-intelligent, nor super insightful. I relate to the world in the simplest of terms. I generalise. I tend to see things as positive or negative, without forgetting that we are all flawed, insecure, searching beings in a universe that is beyond all of our comprehension but of which we are all an integral part, while having lost many of the important connections and integrations with (our) nature. We are disconnected from natural life.
It is my personal belief that we are better off trying to unify our human endeavours instead of thinking in terms of us versus them, winning and losing, making it or failing. Why? Because we are, believe it or not, just different manifestations of the same consciousness. And our capacity for abstract thought and conception of outlandish innovations, is mostly wasted on enforcing a reductionist system and a very limited paradigm that is not, or does not have to be, our only truth. Life is much, much more, than what we have made and agreed it to be.
While navigating this version of reality - and because of my obvious limitations - I heavily rely on the research, experience and talent of real experts. And because I’m subject to (frequency) bias, just like most of us, I consult those experts that seem to support my ideas. Even though I occasionally make errors in judgement on the validity of those experts, I do put my faith in the ones that have been around for decades and have proven to be on the mark. Their theorising has become part of our reality. As if they had foreseen it. Wholly or in part.?
These are the top people I hold in pristine esteem and who have shaped my view on things:
Yesterday, I was defeatedly punching words into this pointless thingy and just got more of the same circular reasoning patterns reflected back at me, as with ChatGPT and the likes. Those answers, though very well structured, are just rehashed snippets of things we’ve endlessly read elsewhere. There is no creating intelligence at work in A.I., yet.?
When observing our manyfold forms and media of communication, there seems to be a great emphasis on nuance and detail to explain why things are the way they are. To the point that we just keep pushing out opinion after opinion. Stacking arguments and proofs on top of each other. Endlessly defending opposing views.?
But in those most general of terms (of which I’m so fond) the essence and essentials of our human condition are quite simple, no??
From a material perspective, we are (let’s agree, at least for the largest visible part) a carbon based life form, wrought into our present form by evolution. We are not very dissimilar in appearance, programming and behaviour to primates and some of the other lager mammal species. Which makes us still very dependant on this planet’s ecosystem and to which extent it is balanced to meet our needs. And by extension, the needs of all living things, since that is what balance is all about. (Still just talking about the physical, material aspect here.)
Messing with that balance to favour the ‘advancement’ of one species has proven to be detrimental. The imbalance humans have created to improve their common and individual material causes, is not letting us thrive as a group. It is doing the opposite. So it is safe to assume that this system we have agreed upon (it’s not a physical inevitability, it is a constructed and agreed upon paradigm) - however attached we are to it, however unstoppable it may seem - is plain wrong. It is not just flawed, it is rotten at the roots and poisoning the fruits.?
In this super hostile environment there are no more rules. Anything goes, as long as you don’t get caught doing it. And if you do get caught, just brag about it. That seems to work too.?
I do believe there is a ‘real’ and endless world surrounding all of those short-lived economic, political and cultural illusions. A world where most of these things we think we should hold so important, don’t matter at all and seem pretty silly. There ís a spiritual reality that is far bigger and deeper than any of the material goals we set ourselves to achieve. And I also believe that this underlying real world, will prevail and push away whatever illusion is herding us now. In the end. So hold on, keep your chin up and take good care of all life in the meantime.?