It's not okay! say no, to abuse!
Awareness is key!

It's not okay! say no, to abuse!

This is a topic that is etched upon my soul, and one that sadly is not receiving the support, and even more alarming adding to the collective unconsciousness of separation between the sexes. This battle of the sexes, is boring!

I am a mother of two boys, and a friend to many men, that what I am about to share has become their inner living hell, domestic abuse is happening to men! I am also a woman who has done a life-time of inner work, clearing up my own sh#t, to embrace and love my own inner masculine. Society, has flavours that it supports, interchanging causes to fight against one another, which is another way to get stuck in the 3D Matrix. I am not here to fight, I am a. warrior, a lover, mother and here to speak up for AWARENESS, so each soul begins to step up with self-responsibility.

I am for equality of ALL SOULS... I am not mentioning gender here, as when you really begin to lift the veil of the illusion, you realise that man/woman we each have two polar opposites, of the masculine and the feminine energy forces. This is where each souls needs to be guided back to, to address the CAUSE, and then bring that into action of BEING the cause of their life. I am done with the finger-pointing, men hating feminists, and those that are talking over our beautiful men on public platforms! Hate me, I care not. I have thick elephant skin beneath this exterior of beauty. I see the wounds that if this triggers you, you are hiding within. And, you will do anything, and everything you can to not get found out. Men's balls belong on their on body, and men it is not your role to keep your lady happy. That equally goes, for the ladies, it is not your role to keep your gentleman happy. It is our own self-responsibility, and giving yourself permission to walk away, and raise the bar.

You may see me, or the men standing for men and women, as the enemy. The only enemy is, in the last place you will ever look. So, keep looking deeper inside, before lashing out. I come in love and peace!

Men are having less of a voice in our society, and having two boys growing into teenagers, this is a concern, and for many it begins in the family home. I will be frank, early on in a relationship, one may do everything they can to keep their partner happy, thinking it is their role and will drop in their power, becoming the obedient lap-dog, and getting treated like dirt. To then do it all again. Over time, his self-esteem becomes more fragile, his testosterone drops considerably, he becomes more emotional yet hides his tears, shuts down his emotions.

Who does he turn to?

Some, of these men are being pushed and pushed until they snap, raise their voice and then come the threats, the phone call to the police in a drunken state to say he hit her. He hasn't even touched her! She will push and push and may times he is hit in the face. Yes, domestic violence happens to men also.

Pause, as this could happen to someone you know. Your friend, and even your son!

This is how he feels on the inside, like he is drowning with nowhere to turn. He has been told the biggest load of rubbish, "MAN UP". Come on, toughen up, and these sub-conscious programs run deep, and they are running his life. Taught you can never hit a woman, so why can a woman hit a man? I have seen some women that are bigger than men, and looking more masculine. If you have to fight, then get into a boxing ring and learn how to box, and spar. I see children in school hear different things, if they fall over. At the end of the day, these programs begin in the family home, society, the MEDIA, and a journey growing into adults.

This man, boy may have also been at the ends of his mothers/fathers hitting, you don't know. His inner child is screaming out to be loved, to be heard and respected. He rattles his brain to wonder where it all went wrong, he is desperate to 'fix-it'. He is the protector instinctively, to protect those he loves, yet he is reduced to a desperate state. He is a giver, and has never had the opportunity to RECEIVE LOVE.

I have seen the pendulum swing too far the other way, and there is an in-balance.

Abuse against men happens silently, it goes unseen, and includes, verbal, emotional, physical, and psychologically manipulative behaviour of nasty threats. Labels are being thrown onto men, and many are afraid to even act on their instincts, as they are seen as the pervert, for making an advance at a woman, in a very normal response to arousal. Even some teenage boys afraid to ask a girl on a date, as her and her girlfriend called him a pervert in the playground. he shuts down his masculine some more. There is much that can be read by body language, and it begins with self-responsibility and honouring one another voice. I have seen women, like blood-thirsty vampires, taunting men to show them his chest, seeing him as a sex-object, yet if the tables were turned, all hell would break loose.

These women, who hit and abuse men, are sadly also hurting inside. They are screaming out in pain, hate and inner rage . Both are caught in a battle of co-dependency, and its a toxic, low-vibration they are living within. For many, it has become addictive, especially if she has the beauty, it is amazing how when in this situation, there is a weighing up, and never knowing how to leave. There is weakness and deep pain in the heart, and will take something big, to have the courage to walk away. And to 'speak-up' with a friend you trust.

Suicide is on the rise, and young men and teenage boys are the highest risk.

As a mother, who guided couples and souls deeper into intimate relationships with themselves, I am passionate about not loosing our natural instincts of passion, and teaching souls how to switch on, whet they are unaware is 'out-of balance'. There is much work to be done, and it is vital to raise awareness, and to guide souls how to HEAL the WOUNDS from the inside out, and not the outside in. This is also not about making anyone the enemy, self-responsibility is the first phases and the willingness to take ownership to your current situation.

When you are drowning, you cannot save another, you have to learn how to swim and pull yourself out. Then, over time, you will build boundaries of self-love, habits that builds confidence, and the strength to throw another a rope to another. Never jump back into the other's mess, stand on the shores, and inspire them to do it themselves. It can challenging not to be the rescuer, when that is what you have learnt. Learn to honour self, rescue self, and be that example that your children will witness.

Break the chain of dysfunction, and it is time for the collective to stop placing men into the evil category. Yes, men can also be the #Metoo category. Men, are beautiful souls, and so too are women. Let's unite and stand as one.

As a woman, there is nothing more magical as witnessing a man owning his masculine presence, and standing in his power as the lion, and a woman to be in her own power, as the proud lioness.

As a woman, I have BOTH my own LION, and LIONESS sitting in this Kingdom. They are my RAW ROAR.... until, you have honoured both these within self, then never invite another into your kingdom.

I am running the next round of two on-line programs for men and women. Men, reach out is this resonates, and take at look at the outline. As I am sure you will not be disappointed, and you get to receive unconditional love from a woman with un-waivering feminine and fearless presence. I wish to see those I have the honour of working with, to thrive. Let's have a conversation, so you get to feel into the resonance and a safe space to be heard!

Click here: The Potent Masculine Blueprint

It is time to remember your magnificence.

To all the men,

Thank you, for being who you are!

We need you in your wholeness.

Zoe Bell

#Coach #Men #Healing #Mentalwellness #Abuse #Metoo

Zoe Bell ??????

The Alignment Wytch | Founder of The Mystics Temple | Wayshower | Author & Artist "For Those Ready to Remember Their Power" ~ Elevating Visionaries To SOAR ??

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Tagging Robert S Wells, Gerard Nicol, Michael Trifunovic, Eugene Sheely?and Lisa Keefer... I would be honoured of your feedback, as I know you support this vision. Gratitude in advance.?



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