Its Okay to Feel Down
It's Okay To Feel Down
It's okay to be miserable.
If that's where you are, then, you should embrace it.
However, know this: It's not a permanent place.
The only constant thing in life is change.
So, where you are today doesn't mean it's where you will be tomorrow.
It's just the place you're at currently.
Don't try to hide it or run away from it.
It's only going to delay it.
The emotions need to be felt.
The tears need to be cried.
The anger needs to be vented out.
The hurt needs to be healed.
So, if you are feeling miserable, don't fight it.
Just be in this place.
Feel it and let life flow.
You will be someplace else soon.
6 Ways To Feel Your Painful Feelings:
1. State the facts without judgement - Feel your feelings but don't judge them. Just look at the facts. If you don't know why you feel a certain way, that's ok. Just state the facts such as: I feel hurt. However, I 'm not sure why?
2. There is no right or wrong - whatever you are feeling is fine. Don't try to change or justify your feelings. Be honest with yourself, you can't work through feelings if you're lying to yourself or avoiding feeling them.
3. There are no negative feelings. We classify certain feelings as "negative" but the truth is your human and all feelings are normal. We need to feel the anger, hurt, sadness, loneliness, etc. to heal.
4. Don't criticize your feelings - we are our own worst critics and we can make our situations worse by criticizing what we are feeling. This keeps us in a negative cycle.
5. "Why" - try to figure out why you're feeling the way you are: The why helps us understand where the emotions are coming from. Are we really upset over something that happened today or is it triggering other past hurts? Is it hitting a nerve?
6. Feel to Heal - most importantly, feel your emotions. Feeling the pain, anger, etc. might cause you to cry, scream, punch your pillow, etc. We can't get through the pain if we don't feel.
September Webinars Open to the Public
Tuesday, September 15th, 7pm - Emotional Detox - Dealing with Negative People
Glen Cove Public Library, NY
Register online at under events
Wednesday, September 16th, 7pm - Self-Care Strategies for Trying Times
Cedar Grove Public Library, NJ
Register at 973-239-1447
Monday, September 21st, 7pm - Being a Mindful Parent
Bernards Township Public Library, NJ
Register at under events
Wednesday, September 23rd, 6:30pm - Staying Positive in Trying Times
Ramsey Adult School, NJ
Register at or 201-327-2025
Thursday, September 24th, 1pm - Managing Stress/Anxiety in a Crisis
Montville Public Library, NJ
Register at 973-402-0900
Thursday, September 24th, 6pm- Coping with Change - In Person
Northampton Community College, PA - Monroe Campus
Register at Monroe Campus
Saturday, September 26th, 9am
- Positive Psychology - Finding Your Happiness - In Person
Temple University, PA
Register at [email protected] or 267-468-8500
Tuesday, September 29th, Oct 6 & 13, 1pm - Building Resiliency for Today and Tomorrow's Challenges
Brookdale Community College, NJ
Register at 732-224-2315
Tuesday, September 29th, 7pm - Navigating the New Normal
Morristown Community School, NJ
Register at 973-292-2063
Wednesday, September 30th, 6:30pm - Navigating the New Norm
Ramsey Adult School, NJ
Register at or 201-327-2025
For more information please visit: or email Diane at [email protected]