"WRH" -Better known as "Work From Home," our new terminology. Well, I am here to say it is definitely "OK not to be OK Sometimes." I am sure some people loved the thought of working from home; however, there is a whole audience out there now discovering the side effects of that. Working from home right now is still a mix of being a magician, a juggler, and wishing for a Harry Potter magic wand. After the pandemic, jobs' future is a blurry mix of work, life, pajamas, and Zoom.
ISOLATION & PRESSURE: Many do not have a designated home office and might be working in the room were they sleep, eat, and work. While being at home, stuck in the room, with nowhere to go, and of course, the most challenging is relentlessly working between corporate and housework, with employers reaching out with no boundaries of day or time, available on demand.
ZOOM FATIGUE: People do not know what they do not know. A-Zoom meeting should take place only when necessary, as should a camera be on as an option and never run more than an hour. People are not used to sitting in front of a camera staring straight into it. Attending zoom calls while taking care of family and home demands is not easy to balance.
A few signs that all of us can relate to from the Mayo Clinic that they call emotional fatigue: *Irritability, or frustration, even over small matters. *Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks take extra effort. *Increased cravings for food. *Often wanting to stay at home rather than going out to socialize or do new activities.
While the future is still a little blurry, We can only plan and wait for the results to get better. In the end, we must go ahead with a positive attitude.