It's Not Your Job to Awaken Those That Sleep On You
*originally posted on*
If you have a dream and haven't started on your way to accomplish it, it's probably because you care too much of what people think. You've shared your dreams and aspirations with a few people before, and the usual happened:
"Hey, I'm thinking about starting my own business and --"
"You know 95% of new businesses fail the same year."
"Hey, I think I want to go to graduate school and get my Masters in Art so that I can --"
"Masters in Art? Oh no, don't waste your time. You should just get an MBA. All companies like people with MBAs."
"Hey girl, I'm starting a blog about --"
"A blog? Oh Lord, everybody is a blogger nowadays."
From being around visionaries and entrepreneurs, to hanging with 'normal' people that are content with living an unexplored life, I found that there are too many Negative Nancy's and Criticizing Corey's that love to destroy your ideas and self-esteem. They don't understand why you would want to put yourself in the stress and uncertainty that comes along with taking the path less traveled, so while they think that they are giving you "good advice", they are just making you just like them - uninspired, insignificant, and fearful, living a safe and mediocre life, while sipping on boring, lukewarm, tasteless tea.
The crazy part about people like that is that it's so hard to get away from them - they are practically EVERYWHERE! From the workplace, to your friendships, family, and even in your bed. These naysayers sometimes show up in the form of your boss, husband, wife, homie, lover, or best friend. Sometimes these naysayers flock together and as the basic people that they are, they join forces to share their mediocre successes and stress to you the importance of "being realistic" with your goals in life.
Often when we encounter negative people and naysayers it is never intentional. We come to our friends and family and share our deepest and biggest dreams for support. We expect way too much out of people, and when they reject or negatively criticize us and our plans, it's disheartening.
Hearing less than encouragement from others can be a very loud noise to block out and hard to ignore, but it's imperative that you do so. You have to know that everybody won't support your dreams, or believe in your talents. Often times, most people won't even care. They won't share your new blog post, new business, product idea, or news about you on social media. Nonetheless, it should not stop you from pursuing your dreams. Your happiness, destiny, legacy, and purpose should not be dependent upon the opinions of others.
So while others may sleep on you, it may seem tempting to awaken them, but let them sleep. For the plans that you have may be too much for them to experience consciously so being asleep is probably what's best for them. At least when they are sleep, they can dream and not experience the reality because some realities are ugly ducklings before they become swans. So while they sleep and continue to dream, it's your time to put in work. Do all the things that they said you couldn't do plus more.
Too often, many people let the opinions of others influence them and as a result, they sleep on themselves. They go through the motions in life, not doing what they love or achieving any of their dreams. They live each day asking themselves, “What if?” or feeling like "I should have done ___" I urge you to not live a life wondering what happened if you would have taken that job, started that business, or connected with that one person. Although you don’t know the future, you should trust yourself with your success instead of entrusting it with someone else.
Even when you've heard too many "no's", don't let objections from others become your truth and limit you from creating what you want in life.
Remember, anything is possible if you believe in yourself and consistently work hard.