It’s National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

It’s National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

This issue of our newsletter is dedicated to all the people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementia related diseases.?The AFA is challenging everyone to?go Teal in November?to show your support.?This illness affects millions of people and the entire family can be impacted by physical, mental, healthcare, and legal challenges. We have developed a variety of resources to educate and inform you and, as always, we are here to serve as your family’s lawyer and trusted advisor.

Know the 10 Early Signs & Symptoms

Download the Free PDF

Memory loss that disrupts daily life may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are 10 early warning signs and symptoms. If you notice any of them, don’t ignore them. Schedule an appointment with your doctor.? Download the Free Checklist:? 10 Early Signs & Symptoms

What To Do If You or a Family Member is Diagnosed.

November is Alzheimer’s Awareness month and brings attention to dementia related disorders. Far too often, an individual or family waits until the later stages of this disease to ensure they have the important paperwork needed to legally and financially care for their loved ones. Unfortunately, if a person is mentally or physically incapacitated, it may be too late to take the proper precautions. We’ve prepared a checklist of questions and resources to help you and your loved ones navigate this challenging situation.? Download the free checklist:? What to do After a Dementia Diagnosis

Download the Free Checklist

Why Legal Planning Is So Important for People with Alzheimer's & Dementia

When a family member is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia, it can be a challenging and emotional experience. Amid the emotional and practical concerns, it’s crucial to address the legal aspects of care and support. Estate planning and elder law play a vital role in ensuring the well-being of your loved one and the peace of mind for your family. ?

The Importance of Early Legal Planning

Legal planning should ideally begin as early as possible after a diagnosis, as individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia may eventually lose the capacity to make decisions about their care and finances. Early planning allows for the individual’s preferences and desires to be documented while they still have the capacity to do so.

Key Aspects of Legal Planning and Elder Law:

  1. Advanced Directives: A living will outlines a person’s medical care preferences, such as end-of-life decisions. It’s essential to have a living will in place to guide medical professionals and family members when the individual can no longer communicate their wishes. A Durable Power of Attorney designates a trusted individual to make medical decisions or financial matters, on behalf of the person with Alzheimer’s or dementia when they can no longer do so. The appointed agent should be someone who understands the individual’s values and preferences. It allows the agent to pay bills, manage investments, and make financial decisions. Establishing trusts, such as revocable living trusts or irrevocable trusts, can help protect assets and ensure they are managed for the individual’s benefit. Trusts can also simplify the process of asset distribution after the individual’s passing.
  2. Guardianship or Conservatorship: In cases where legal planning hasn’t been adequately addressed, and the person with Alzheimer’s or dementia is no longer capable of making decisions, it may be necessary to pursue guardianship or conservatorship. This involves a court appointing a guardian or conservator to make decisions for the individual. The Free Guide to Guardianship also provides more about the significance of guardianship in Maryland and explore the reasons why having an attorney by your side throughout this process is crucial.
  3. Medicaid Planning: Some individuals may qualify for government assistance and programs such as Medicaid - which is a government program that provides health coverage and benefits for long-term care. Medicaid planning involves structuring finances to meet Medicaid eligibility requirements while preserving assets for the individual’s needs. Since there is a 5 year lookback for eligibility, it's important to plan ahead. Here are some tips that can help.

Crucial Considerations for Legal Planning

The importance of early legal planning cannot be overstated. Waiting until the disease has progressed significantly may limit the individual’s capacity to make critical decisions. It’s important to have open and honest discussions with the individual with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Understanding their preferences for medical care, living arrangements, and financial matters can inform the legal planning process.

Our estate planning and elder law attorneys can help ensure legal documents are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they remain current and aligned with the individual’s intentions. We are experienced in assisting with all aspects of elder law to help achieve the best possible outcome for seniors and their families.? Legal guidance is so important for these issues.? The statutes change frequently regarding trusts, capital gains, estate planning, probate, guardianships, senior living, life planning, and long-term care. Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran’s benefits eligibility guidelines change frequently as well.? The?Maryland elder law attorneys?at Frame & Frame have the experience and resources necessary to help you weigh all of the options to make the best decisions possible for you and your family. View our library of Free Legal Guides or schedule a consultation today!


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