It's not my fault!!
David Greenaway
Delivering Peace of Mind Through Driving Licence & Vehicle Checks. Ensuring safety & compliance by providing comprehensive driving licence & vehicle checking services | Barns Cafe Director (Volunteer)
Have you ever noticed that when things go wrong in our lives, our natural tendency is to look for someone else to blame? It's a common human trait to want to shift responsibility away from ourselves and onto others. But the truth is, this way of thinking is often the result of a deeper, limiting belief that everything is always someone else's fault and couldn't possibly be my fault.
This type of thinking is called externalizing, and it can be a major blocker to personal growth and development. When we externalize, we give away our power and agency, and we become victims of our own circumstances. We start to believe that we have no control over what happens to us, and that everything is out of our hands.
The problem with this way of thinking is that it's not true. While it's true that external factors can influence our lives, the reality is that we always have a agency and control over our thoughts that create our reality. We can choose how we react to external events via our thoughts and therefore have the innate ability to take responsibility or assign blame.
So why do we externalize? There are many reasons, but one of the most common is that it's easier to blame others than to take responsibility for our own lives. It's easier to believe that everything is always someone else's fault than to acknowledge our own shortcomings and difficult thinking and take time to understand what's actually happening.
The truth is, blaming others only holds us back. It keeps us stuck in a cycle of negativity and victimhood, and it prevents us from achieving our full potential. If we want to grow and develop as individuals, we need to take responsibility for our own lives and start looking inward instead of outward.
So, the next time something goes wrong in your life, instead of looking for someone else to blame, try looking inward to see what the content of your thoughts are. Ask yourself which thoughts you want to breathe life into or not, and what steps you can take to improve your situation. Take responsibility for your own life, and start moving forward with purpose and intention.
Remember, everything is not always someone else's fault. By taking responsibility for our own lives and actions, we can break free from the limitations of externalizing and unlock our full potential.
I hope this post has been helpful and don't blame me if its not. ??
Dave Greenaway