It's Memorable. Doesn't Mean It's Good
A colleague sings along with his music. Since he wears headphones I cannot tell what he is listening to. I heard him sing "Everybody". That could be one of many songs. Was everybody in the club getting tipsy? Maybe everybody wants to rule the world.
The first thought I had was from a Number One hit. "Everybody was kung fu fighting." No song has given more pleasure throughout my life. It's not a good song by any means. It is entertaining.
I probably first heard it as the theme to Action Theater. The late, lamented Channel 20 ran kung fu movies on Saturday afternoons. Eventually I took up martial arts. This remains the last great untapped subject for articles.
That and "My Life, The Porno Movie" which probably would get me kicked off LinkedIn. There are some great stories about teamwork and attaining common goals that remain unwritten.
None of which has to do with a silly/entertaining song. It isn't so bad it is good. Many have berated Plan 9 From Outer Space. I could watch that before any Twilight movie. Calling something "The worst ever" is free advertising. I have not seen The Room. It had a second life as a campy bad film.
It's all in the marketing. Lost Highway bragged that it received "Two Thumbs Down" from Siskel and Ebert. Speed 2 received Two Thumbs Up in the same era so David Lynch might've had a point.
So, would I perform Kung Fu Fighting at karaoke? lt has been years since I set foot in one. It is someone else's good time. I would want to meet someone who sang that song. How could sing it badly?
What more can I saw? It's an enjoyable song. Ha! It had no bearing on martial arts training which I did in high school. That was better for me than team sports where I mostly sat on the bench. Go where you are appreciated and make a difference.