It’s Not About Me Anymore
Chen Lizra
Female Founder ? Helping high-achievers HEAL what is blocking you, so you can have the success & love you desire. ? Power of Somatic Intelligence ? Somatic Coach ? TED Speaker ? Trauma Natural Healer ? Dancer
My last Ayahuasca journey in Peru wasn’t just for my personal healing.
It was also about all of YOU.
During my last trip, the maestra and her daughterwere preparing me to drink the medicine not for my own intentions next time… but for YOURS.?
I began my training as a facilitator for the next Aya retreat, so that I can be a pillar of grounding and resilience for participants to lean on.
As a facilitator, the intention behind each ceremony shifts. I’m no longer drinking the medicine for my own healing.?
Instead, the next time I drink the medicine my intention will be to listen deeply to Mother Aya’s guidance so I can hold sacred space for others’ deepest transformation and journey, understand their needs, and how best to support them.
It’s EXACTLY this support that makes our Aya retreat so different than just going to a center and drinking the medicine on your own.?
On a recent call with David, the facilitator for the Shipbo retreat center in Peru where we’ll be hosting the Aya retreat, he said:?
“Oh, your people are going to have a way better experience. They’ll come so much more grounded and ready for their journey.”
David has been working with this shamanic family for a long time, and he is the primary facilitator between the maestra, her family, and the clients.
So you’ll be getting his support–his deep wisdom and insight into plant medicine, Mother Aya, and the integration from years of experience.
Yet, you’ll also get mine, guiding you with somatic healing practices, wisdom from my own Aya journeys, and holding a strong, safe container for you. Before, during, and after the retreat.?
And because of this you can expect to have more powerful results because you will arrive more prepared and get double the support.?
I will also guide you 1:1 on how we drive the medicine through intention setting.
Intention setting isn’t just a passive practice…
With love,