It's a Marathon not a Sprint, but there are winners
I have spoken before about my daughter and our hikes. When she was close or at home, it was something that was easy to schedule, but the challenges in our area were also pretty easy.
I guess it's like running or starting out on a new project at work. You have plenty of energy, excitement and sprint right off and feel great! You might hit a couple of bumps or have to slow down for a refresh, but then you are back at it.
Next thing you know, you realize this isn't a sprint, this is going to be a bit more. The project might not be as easy as you thought, or maybe you are doing so well that you get additional opportunities and responsibilities. You feel good that you have new opportunities and get a second wind. This takes you further along and you are experiencing a bit of runners high.
Now you start to feel some pain. You didn't prepare for this. You start to cramp up mentally. Make a couple of mistakes or miss a deadline. Maybe you disappoint a client. This is where you need your coach to help out. That cheerleader. They have some juice for you both physically and mentally. They know who you are and what your abilities are. They also know something that you don't. They have run this course before and know where the tough parts are and where you can get some refreshment. Your coach runs along beside you on the project, points out a few things, lets you know that you are close to the turn that will bring you back to the finish. They tell you "You've got this"! And then, they step back and watch you succeed.
Think I can bring my daughter into this one? Here we go.
She moved out east and continued her hiking. I visited her recently and brought my hiking gear with. She told me she found one that was going to be challenging, but she knew I could do it. Remember, I took her to the Grand Canyon! She was on the trail before I had my boots tied. She had hiked it before to scout it and knew where we were headed. Well let's just say our trail had an 800+ foot gain with most of it in the first mile. We trekked over 4 miles in all. I was ready to cry uncle, but my coach would not allow it. She told me "Pops, it's a marathon, not a sprint, but there are winners. Around the next cutback you will see where it levels off and the first view". She was not only guiding me. She was motivating me, and beside me.
When we hit the next cutback, the view was phenomenal. The middle picture was our first chance to view the valley. The photo on the right in the middle row was the flag that was our apex. We sat on rocks and watched the eagles fly not more than 50' overhead as we grabbed an energy bar and some water that she had brought with.
It is truly amazing and rewarding to see the woman she has become, but even more to see the leader, coach and mentor she is!