It's lonely at the top
Your friends and family won’t support you!
Our whole lives we are made to believe that our friends and our family are our biggest supporters but over the last few years I’ve found something very different, allow me to explain..
My dad has this theory called the “Duck Theory” and what it suggests is that ducks float gracefully on the water but when you look under the water they are flapping their little ducks paws really hard, they don’t allow the world to see their struggles, but those closest to the duck (ie-other ducks) can always peak under the water and see what’s really going on.
To accurately understand this analogy it’s important to first separate all people in my life into 3 buckets, Group A being my closest group of friends and my immediate family, Group B are the the friends whom I worked with or went to school with in the past or the family that is distant but we talk or meet once or twice a year, Group C is everyone else: casual acquaintances, people who met me “that one time” or someone who found me by clicking on a FB ad for some biz or even distant family members whom I might have met only a handful of times in my life.
Group A has seen me grow up. Group A has seen my weakest moment and they were the only ones that were there for me when shit got tough. When all hell literally broke loose, I knew I could count on these people for support and guidance; no matter what. They have always been my rocks and have seen me go through it all: the good, the bad and everything in between.
Group B perhaps follows me on social media and sees the narrative that I choose to tell the world. I don’t share my deepest darkest thoughts with this group of people and they know that. They know that they are only seeing the specific image of me that I am allowing them to see and not the whole picture.
Group C could care less about my existence. They don’t particularly like me, but they don’t particularly dislike me either. They are just “okay” about my existence and have other things in life to worry about. They often see a partial image of what someone from Group B might see, but they are indifferent towards it!
According to the duck theory, I’m doing it right: I’m only sharing my deepest challenges with Group A; but I found a vital flaw in this….
Group C never could care about knowing my challenges, so whenever they looked: all they saw was success after success. So even if I wanted to share my challenges with this group, I doubt they’d listen.
Thomas Edison created the light bulb on his 10,000th try, no one talks about the 9999 he didn’t create. Groups C only saw the 10,000th form of me, they missed the entire drumroll!
Group B is the nosy group, they want to be part of group A but their ego won’t let them because their unconscious mind and belief system won’t allow them to see a world where someone who came from the same house, same school, same workplace as them has somehow managed to make it so much better for himself.
Why is it that it’s said “you are the average of the 5 people you are around the most?” It’s because we look at those around us as our standards and we live up to whatever standard we set for ourself.
Group B knows that they are capable of more, but their environment won’t allow them to be more, so even if they want to break free: they are pulled back down! This causes an unconscious belief to form that “If I can’t do it, then he can’t do it either!”
But the crazy part is they can, if they only saw this for what it is, a limiting belief…
So Group B kinna half-ass offers support and will always publicly say things like “I always knew you would make it!” or “Proud of you bro” and offer words of encouragement, but at an unconscious level they hold resentment and because of that it doesn’t allow them to truly offer support and be there for me!
Let’s talk about Group A. Group A has supported me from day one. They are the people that see me at the bottom of the pit and offer me a helping hand for me to pull myself out of the situation. I love this group from the bottom of my heart and will do anything for them.
Remember I said that we live up to the standards we set for ourselves? I soon realize that my standard had become higher than that of Group A….
Group A knew all too well how to be there for me when I was going through struggles and challenges: they said the right things, offered words of encouragement and offered a shoulder to cry on when I needed it most.
All this was well and good, until…
Naturally, as I started creating abundance and success for myself, Group A was the first group I wanted to share this with. Initially, I was flooded with congratulations and sincere support, but that soon changed..
Imagine you wanted to learn how to balance on your head without the support of a wall, you try for 13 days before you pull some muscle in your back and have to wear a back brace for a month as a result of it. Your partner says “Honey I hoped you learned your lesson, stop doing stupid shit!”
A month later your back brace comes off and you decide to give it another try, your partner sees you practice and try every day and keeps saying “please be careful honey, we don’t need you in another brace for 30 days!” You ignore them and continue to go at it, 10 days.. 13 days.. 20 days.. 45days.. 67 days and you fracture a bone in your hand with your acrobatics, but you were still not able to balance on your head perfectly without the support of a wall.
You’re in a cast for 3 months this time, this process repeats itself and you continue to fracture and injure yourself and your partner eventually starts yelling:
Then magically on day 432, you do it! It only took 2 fractured bones, a broken leg, and a back muscle pull to get here. It’s been a hard journey but you made it happen, and it just happens to be the day that a grand yogi master friend of yours is coming home for dinner.
Your yogi friend sees you balance perfectly and is very impressed, your partner is in the back just chanting prayers and hoping that you don’t hurt yourself again.
Let’s step into the Yogi’s perspective: the first time he saw you attempt to balance on your head, you did it perfectly! In his 40 years in the field, he’s never seen anyone do it with so much confidence and oomph that he invites you to his mansion in the hills to talk about a potential business opportunity.
Your partner on the other hand is trying everything in their power to stop you from going to meet this yogi. How is it that your partner who was your biggest supporter in the beginning has now become your biggest resistance? What happened?
Let’s bring this back to Group A,B and C; and how this relates to me…
Group C are my yogis: they saw me for the first time and at my finest, they saw me as a successful businessman who has already made it. This allowed them to reach out to me and take advice and coaching from me to grow their business. I currently have the most clients from this group of people.
Group B would see some of my challenges, but their internal representation of who old Kabir was will not allow them to see me in a new light, despite damming evidence of my success. This group is full of exceptions and many people are beginning to see the big picture for what it is. Long term I will do the most business with this group of people.
Group A is like your partner in the story, they see the greatness in you but are always so scared for you because they have seen you fail and hurt yourself badly. They have been there for the sleepless nights, the crying, the pain and the torture you went through: they don’t want to see you go through it again.
So unconsciously, they mentally “check out” of your successes and choose to focus on all the times in the past that you failed. That’s the only way they know how to love you. They are proud of you and they wish you nothing but the best, but when you almost paralyzed yourself doing a headstand at home and now you are attempting to do the world's longest headstand on a moving train; they can’t morally support that goal of yours and look out for your best interest at the same time; so unconsciously they stop offering you their support!
Their words might still be that of support, but energetically you know…
I’ve always been told it’s lonely at the top, I didn’t know what that quite meant until recently!