It's like getting free money!
There are two things you can always count on when you're attending a Rotary meeting: Good things will get done in the community, and you're going to meet the most amazing people.
This week's breakfast was no different.
First we discussed our efforts to raise almost $125,000 at the sixth annual Rancho Beernardo festival ( Besides being the world's largest IPA festival, we're also adding numerous non-IPA offerings this year. Very exciting stuff, and the ways the community will benefit are just mind-bending.
However...the real meat of the meeting came from a presentation made by David Kramer and Paul Thiel of the Chairmen's Roundtable. CRT is a non-profit volunteer organization that since 1997 has been comprised of successful C-Suite executives (both active and retired) with diverse industry backgrounds. They provide an opportunity for business owners in the $2-12 million revenue range to get world-class business advice for FREE.
More than three dozen mentors with a wide range of industry and functional experience provide insights to create and implement solutions for their clients.
"What's the catch?" was the first question, and the answer was both refreshing and in line with the whole Rotary concept of Service Above Self. "This is a way for our mentors to give back to business leaders in San Diego to help them grow."
There were heads bobbing in the audience as Rotarian business owners made notes about setting themselves up with CRT. Some will be clients, others advisers. All of them can be found at 7am next Tuesday at the Rancho Bernardo Country Club when we meet again to help make the world a better place.
You can learn more about Chairmen's Roundtable at, and about the 65 dynamic community leaders in the RB Sunrise Rotary at Members of the community interested in giving back are welcome to join us for a complementary breakfast next Tuesday from 7:00-8:30 am.