It's about the Light.
My favorite days in Palo Duro Canyon, Texas' largest canyon, is when it is cloudy but not overcast. I love watching the light dance through the clouds and paint the Spanish Skirts. Every photographer I know has a love affair with light. We watch for it, plan for it. If you work a studio, you set up the lights, trying for perfection in the shadows and exposure and tint. If you're a landscape photographer, you become intimately aware of the times of day and sort of light for each hour and even season. To me, I love the yellow cast of winter the best. I spent an hour with camera in hand, watching the shadows dance and the sunlight caress this part of the Canyon. The shadows seemed organic, alive as they moved across the cliff face.
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Do you need custom sized art for your home or office? We create murals for entire walls. Jim Livingston Photography
Would you like to see my work in person, listen to live music, eat Texas best and help raise money for rescue horses? Come see me May 25, in Armstrong Co Museum, just 30 minutes from Downtown Amarillo: the "Texas" Panhandle Exhibition