It's just the vibes, man...

It's just the vibes, man...

Speaking very literally, every part of our world which appears physical is able to come into existence because of consciousness.

Consciousness is the basis of existing on the planet and the basis of existence of the planet.

The way consciousness creates is through energy, vibration and frequency.

This is not metaphorical, conceptual, or any sort of analogy. This is backed by data from modern quantum mechanics/physics.

It IS still a physical experience - obviously - but what the data has now revealed is that the REASON it can even become physical, even come into existence, is due to consciousness.

And that consciousness moves via energy.

We humans are energy conduits. It takes energy to run us, the types of energy we take in (air, water, light, food, movement, sound, nature, drugs, chemicals, etc.) affects our energies. We have measurable energy fields that emanate from our body and out to the rest of the world. The nature and quality of what is being emanated is a matter of the frequency and vibration of the inputs we take in as well as the inputs/outputs that our minds produce.

Our energy fields - which are similarly affected by the environmental inputs as well as external things going on in our body's environment - are interacting with every other energy field.

This, of course, includes all biological life, especially the Earth. However even past that, even non-biological "things" are based in energy and have a measurable effect on our own energy fields.

So the oft-used words "it is all energy," or "that was a good vibe" or "that was a weird vibe" - there is profound truth in those words. We just tend to toss them around and it is easy to overlook what we actually mean there.

All very super literal.

So with that, how do we take control of our energy fields? How do we turn our attention to optimizing our energy so that we can give our body/mind/field the absolute best chance at having pure joy flow through us more and more of the time? is truly everything.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, sunlight, food, movement, detoxification/purification, time in nature, and taking inventory of our energetic environment.

In our world right now, we are bombarded with a lot of junk on the daily - food/water/air toxins, chemicals, EMF/technological radiation, artificial lighting, low-vibration sounds, etc. - but yet, our human bodies are these badass self-regenerating machines that allow us to thrive despite the conditions. And when we are ready, we can enjoy working on creating our environments in ways that support our highest potential instead of just allowing the existing paradigm of junk to be what we settle for.

What else is in play here?

Oh right - our minds.

Our minds hold an incredible amount of power in this equation. Our brains communicate via electrical signals, so they both inform our minds of what "to do" but also they inform each and every cell in our body.

You may have heard of people "miraculously" healing themselves from terminal diagnoses - this is because their belief system changed; they began to believe they will pursue joyful living and believed they are healthy. And sure enough - they become so!

Now this is does require looking inward and delving into some mindset work. (I am not a credentialed mental health professional and do not purport to be.) However there is quite a bit I have studied and implemented in my life.

The beliefs we hold end up dictating so much of our lives. It has been shown that 95% of what we do in life is based on subconscious/unconscious programming (beliefs) and 5% is based on our conscious decision making.

And our subconscious is actually exponentially more powerful than our conscious mind.

So this is a really key area to look at.

Our subconscious is basically a tape recorder - so what we say in our heads, out loud, etc., are literally recorded in our subconscious. And our subconscious takes what we say VERY VERY literally. It is a recording device and does not filter things like our conscious minds do. It records, and then we operate based on our subconscious/unconscious beliefs and programming.

And it catches everything - including all the little thoughts we have that might not seem like real thoughts, but they are! The subconscious catches all thoughts and words we produce through our bodies and that we take in from all other forms of existence (biological and non-biological).

If we say "I am joyful, I am whole, I am flowing" - that is what is being recorded. If we say "oh I should have done better, I did something bad, etc." - that is what is being recorded. (Have you ever caught yourself talking bad to...yourself?)

So this data from all our inputs/outputs and environment is what literally, actually, tangibly is CREATING the world you live in and HOW you experience it.

You have so much power my friend! How will you use it?


