It's Just Not OK to Let This Go On
Road to El Roi coming Spring 2019

It's Just Not OK to Let This Go On

Heidi De Leon, the mother in Idaho who recently made national news when she and her current husband were killed by her ex, and their daughters held hostage, had executed a restraining order less than 24 hours before the murder-suicide occurred. WHEN is the system going to wake up and realize that the laws are not effective in protecting stalked, abused, and threatened women?

It's not ok to just shrug our shoulders, say "Oh, that's just too bad." or "How awful, that poor woman!" without doing anything within our reach to speak out, write our congresspeople, and put pressure on those who CAN make change. So many of us have been through the victim phase when we become targets of a dangerous or out-of-control ex. We know that fear personally. Not one soul should live day-to-day knowing that nothing will likely be done for you until a physical crime has already occurred.

Heidi feared for her life and communicated this to all the right people in the system. She reached out at every level possible. Yet, there was nothing to stop this manaical, sick person from taking everything that she and her family had, including her life. Now, there are 2 girls without a live parent, and one who has lost one parent. The trauma will be with these children the rest of their lives.

The main person of influence on narcissistic abuse and Family Court reform, who counseled Heidi as late as Christmas, is Tina Swithin ( Tina has given every second of her life since her years-long Family Court nightmare, dedicating herself to protecting children and spouses who are victims of these demonic characters who are able to live in our midst.

Please join Tina in her fight by refusing to accept the status quo. You can speak out, you can write a letter, and you can donate to her organization ( and For the next person who comes after Heidi, your action or inaction could mean life or death; and for any children involved, it affects their entire future. Don't let there be one more loss that could have been prevented if laws were made more protective of victims.


