It's Just Not That Important
The phrase "its just not that important" is all over the media lately in response to the dress code change for the US Senate. Okay, I'm listening. I don't pretend that wearing business dress attire makes anyone smarter or more capable. But, couldn't "its just not that important" also be the other side of the argument? Here is what I'm thinking on the subject.
I totally agree that there are vastly more important things for the Senate to do than debate dress codes. My simple question is this. If its not important, why initiate a change? The simple fact that the dress code change was undertaken indicates that dress is important. I get it that Senator Fetterman sees it as outside his normal comfort zone to wear a suit. But all the long established standards ask is that he wears a suit and tie, not cut off his right arm.
Its not financial, because the salary of a Senator or House Representative is $174,000 annually. There are photos of the Senator wearing business attire taken since he was elected and therefore he already owns at least one suit. If financial hardships were considered, the staffers that are still required to dress up would be more entitled to change their attire.
I think "its just not that important" is code for "shut up and let me do what I want." Which is okay in anyone's own personal life. But today many do not believe that an employer can tell you when to come to the office, or have any standards of how to dress or anything else. We have become as a society just a little too much me-focused. Let me do exactly what I want to do at all times, in all cases.
There are times when certain dress codes are expected, and part of the larger societal contract. I don't wear a suit every day, nor do I work in an office, and I don't want to go back to those days. But unless specifically instructed otherwise, I will continue to dress up for weddings, funerals, speaking engagements and events that require that I pay my respect for friends, loved ones and clients. I certainly won't ask to change something just because I don't like it. Its just not that important.