It's International Women's Day, here are the women who inspire the RH&Co team
The Rin Hamburgh & Co team in Bristol

It's International Women's Day, here are the women who inspire the RH&Co team

To celebrate #InternationalWomensDay we asked some of the team to share the women they have found most inspiring this year. Here's what they said:

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  • Rin Hamburgh

"I?know so many inspirational women, it’s hard to choose just one! So I’ll go with a top 3. First, Alice Stephenson, founder and CEO of Stephenson Law. I love the way she advocates for being who you are - tattoos and all - and the way she calls out online bullies. Next, Joyann Boyce, founder of Arima & Co. She’s incredibly perceptive and her social posts about inclusivity always challenge me to go beyond the surface level. Last but not least, Ellie Webb, who has not only built an incredible brand with Caleno, but is calling out the negative side of our drinking culture and championing alternatives as a way to banish hangxiety.?"

  • Liz Leaman

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"Rebekah Bruesehoff @therealrebekah - Rebekah is an incredible activist for trans youth. She became famous when she was younger for holding a sign “I'm the scary transgender person the media warned you about”. Her

achievements are already too many to list but if you are into Marvel, you will soon meet her in the new series “Marvel Hero Project” on Disney+ which features a character named after her called “The Mighty Rebekah”.

Allison Kimmey - Allison is body-positivity influencer whose mission is to remind women that women can achieve without conforming to stereotyped body types / losing weight. It’s good to be told “we are enough”.

Lindsey Cole - she is a swimmer, author and campaigner for safer seas and rivers without sewage. In 2021, she swam 50 miles in the Avon wearing a mermaid outfit and towing an inflatable poo to raise awareness. As an open water swimmer myself I have so much admiration for her dedication."

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  • Rosie Fletcher

"Gill Whitty-Collins? is an ex P&Ger who went on to use her first hand experience and network to write Why men at win at work and how we can make inequality history. I like the focus she puts on men taking the lead and not making it all about what women need to do. She pulls no punches and I love that!

Lorraine Candy @lorrainecandy -?journalist, podcaster (postcards from midlife) and author of 'Mum what's wrong with you? 101 things that only mothers of teenage girls know’. I had the rivilege of meeting Lorraine a few times earlier on in my PR career when she was editor of Elle magazine. I love her honest and open writing, the podcast which offers solidarity and positivity?on mid-life living and her book is my bible. Just keep telling yourself on repeat that it’s all about the synapses developing!!. I have gifted it to very owner of a teenager that I know!.?

Michelle Obama @michelleobama - She is my dream dinner party guest. I loved her book and I was lucky enough to hear her speak at the O2 a few years ago and she didn’t disappoint. I always keep her motto of when they go low we go high in my mind and encourage my children to do so too. Put simply she is pure class in everything she does and has used her position to make real tangible change.?"


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