There’s no shortage of unhinged world leaders.
Duterte of the Philippines is only roaming free because someone left the hospital door open. Jacob Zuma is the latest in a long and distinguished line of African crackpots. Kim Jong Un is clearly having a difficult time going through puberty. Assad’s hands are drenched in blood.
All these people are mad, bad and very dangerous to know but none makes me want to scream obscenities at the TV.
However two seconds of Kellyanne Fuckwit or Betsy De Moron and I’m reduced to wishing them a public humliation followed by a painful demise.
I harbour childish fantasies of Trump’s hair blowing off his head. I’d love him to be caught in a honey trap. Or to actually choke on a lie.
I’ve never wanting anyone to fail as badly.
Oddly enough Steve Bannon doesn’t elicit the same irritation. He’s far too scary for that.
But the others are just so damn smug and entitled, so utterly certain of their elevated place in the world, so convinced of their genetic superiority that they bring out the worst in me.
The notion that money can buy a top government job is not new, but it’s never been quite as blatant. Betsy, with the toothy grin and vacant smile clearly thinks that if you have enough money, there’s no need to know anything about your specialist subject.
To the eternal shame of both parties, her nomination went though and she was sworn in as Education Secretary. The irony was lost on no-one, except perhaps her.
Given the staggering levels of amateurishness, I’m impressed that Trump picked Gorsuch (a qualified lawyer no less) for the Supreme Court.
Trump and his cabinet of cronies have twisted the American dream into a nightmare.
In this world you can lie, you can be unqualified, you can be a thin-skinned narcissist with a persecution complex, but as long as you prey on our basest fears, you can be in charge.
The Ugly American is alive a well.
I cannot wait for the self-satisfied smiles to be wiped from each face, one after another.