It’s Impossible To Be In The Present

It’s Impossible To Be In The Present

But we tend to like the idea behind?it

Who doesn’t love Kung Fu Panda?

The story talks of a typical hard-working person who rises to greatness. Kung Fu greatness. And they don’t have to be well-toned like Bruce Lee.

They just need to have the will to pursue it.

In the movie, the Grand Master Oogway is another strange character. He has these slow and pithy quotes about mastery, greatness, and progress that helped Po advance in his everyday and spiritual journey.

One of his quotes goes:

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift… that’s why they call it present” ― Grandmaster Oogway, Kung Fu?Panda

You have to love the wordplay.

The message in it is clear. But in reality, it is difficult to be in the present. Yes, yesterday is history, and tomorrow is a mystery. But today is not all that we have.

I like the idea, but we cannot have a future without our past.

The future is yet to?come

The future is a mystery. You can never know how it will go. It’s opaque.

My theory states that the future insists on the role of mergers to secure oneself from the uncertain future. I think most people agree with this.

Let me give you another perspective.

In a previous post, I talked about the atom. According to Organismal Selection, the atom is an organism. You can find the details in this article.

If we are to accept, even if it is tentatively, that an atom is an organism, I’d want us to picture the double-slit experiment. This experiment revolutionized the field of quantum mechanics. It showed how the atomic and subatomic particles can appear to go through the two slits at the same time.

In wave fashion.

You cannot make a clear prediction of the outcome. Even these particles whose details we have learned a lot about using the Standard Model have an unpredictability about them that we cannot pinpoint.

You also can look up the measurement problem of quantum mechanics, which is another problem about the future.

Without getting caught in the scientific fluff, the future is unpredictable. Period. There might be some predictable aspects about it, but the complete prediction is impossible.

For this reason, it helps to focus on the things we have control over.

J. Cole mentioned one thing we can do to start our days, which we can control is to get up and live.

I get up?—?J.?Cole

The past is?gone

Now, this is dead and gone.

At least as far as our understanding of reality goes. Quantum reality shows something else. It is possible that the past could also be changing despite our perception of time moving forward.

But that is not the point of this article.

The past can hardly be recovered. You can take a gene and connect it to another to bring it back to ‘life’, but it is out of context.

However, the memories of the past are still with us. These memories shape our future, not our present. Let’s assume we are monkeys and stay in the same compound. Yes, assume.

If I groomed you yesterday, you’ll have to groom me tomorrow. Unless you're a cheat. Repetition is one of the components that foster cooperation.

Our shared past shapes our future behaviour.

The present is our gift but our seed’s got tomorrow?—?Jermaine

Even traumatic ones. Some of them narrow the spectrum of our reactions to various future challenges. Our past, even though it’s dead and gone, is relevant to us for the other simple reason:

Our present does not exist.

It’s impossible to be in the?present

The model we’re taught in medical school is a slow one.

It says that light hits our retina, through the visual pathways, onto the visual cortex at the back of the brain. If that were the case, we would not survive.

We’d be very slow to act and react.

The alternative is to act. To predict and then match it with our experiences.

Predictions are shaped by our current situation and supported by past experience. If we have never experienced it in the past, we create it anew.

It is a faster model than reacting to stimuli. Evolution teaches us that it’s easier to act rather than to react. Systems analysis reminds us of the same.

We like to think we are conscious of our actions. But our conscious awareness is slow. It merely satisfies us to think we are aware of the present.

In reality, we use our past experiences, to predict our future outcomes, and get feedback at a later time.

Feedback, from its structure, is delayed.

You cannot get information about an ongoing event and act immediately on it. There must be a delay.

The present does not exist in our conscious presence. It might be going on, but we are not conscious about it.

Consider sunshine. It takes roughly 8 minutes for the sun’s rays to hit our planet. Every sunny morning, you start your day by looking into the past. The brain then creates an image of what it thinks this past was like.

Now, think about the night sky, studded with stars. When you gaze at it, you look into the distant past. Not the present. Thousands and even millions of years into the past.

Taking this sh^t one step at a time
That real sh*t is stuck on my mind
But to that bullsh*it I’m deaf and I’m blind
— Cole

What J. Cole says is he focuses.

The slow model, of stimuli hitting us, and then responding makes it difficult to imagine how one focuses. It also assumes that the range of stimuli is so small and the reaction is almost as simple as how we discuss it in science classes.

But it’s not.

If we predict, then we narrow down the feedback we receive. The prediction, helps us focus on the feedback. It’s that bullsh*t that we become deaf and blind to.

But once we get the feedback, time has already passed. Thus, by the time we gather information about our supposed present, it has already passed.

Our idea of the present does not exist. We love to think that it does. It helps us dodge that slap from our spouse or see it coming and still decide to receive it. I call such slaps the warmer-than-normal palmer embrace. It has a lasting effect on our cheeks.

What does all this?mean?


Our past influences our predictions of what the future might look like.

The future is a mystery despite our attempts to model it.

Our perception of the present does not exist because we are predictive entities. By the time we receive the feedback, it’s already in the past.

In short, it’s impossible to be in the present.


Innocent Ouko, MD的更多文章

