It's about how you live your life

It's about how you live your life

Consider yourself lucky and happy if you have lived today, when I work up in the morning first thing I thank god with folded hands for letting me live another beautiful day of my life to be the happiest person alive on earth right now. So let me share some of my secrets with you. Always wake up one hour early in the morning . This will help you live your beautiful life an hour more. Everyday. Thank god you are still alive to explore this beautiful world.

Always believe everything happens for good. Always believe something wonderful is going to happen to you today. Show your gratitude to the people who matter to you. Cut the negative ones from your life. Have an ambition. Make a plan and work for it until you achieve it. Try to accomplish short targets in your life. Break the bigger ones into smaller ones and work for them.

Always do what makes you happy. If your not happy doing a particular thing, leave it. Enjoy every moment of your life because who knows it might be your last. Do something adventurous. Take risks. As not doing anything is a risk in itself. If you are afraid of doing something or you want something/someone in life, go for it. Try. Try harder. Even if you fail, you win because trying is much better than regretting. Most people don’t even try.

Surround yourself with good vibes and people who make you a better person. Never forget your parents. Spend time with them as they are the ones who are going to stay with you no matter what ups and downs come in your life. Take everything positively. Try to search for the positive aspects of everything. Eliminate the negatives. Try not to lose your temper. Control your anger. Do exercises and meditation. Go to the gym. Take yoga lessons. Go for running/jogging in the morning.

Groom yourself. Take care of yourself and pay attention to your health and hygiene. Keep up with the latest fashion trends. This will not only help you look good but will also significantly boost your confidence. Whenever you are feeling low, always say to yourself “I’m a happy person and this (whatever that made you feel low) can’t ruin my happiness.” It will instantly boost up your mood and you’ll feel good. Trust me it works every time and is also psychologically proven.

Full intensity living life would mean living life full level and if you have been an engineering student, could be knowing the best long lasting solution is not with maximum but optimum. Well any other can also know with equal ease. So life is no different and has the same need. If you find a way to live with full intensity then as you start enjoying suddenly could feel being short of it because you have overused much more where it was not needed. You could lose enjoying the fruits of joy even after doing all the hard work.

If these words make sense you could have identified the solution of the query too. It is all about investing energy knowing we regenerate the energy by food we consume and air we breathe. The food could be more focused for our like and dislike and not care of air so much. If one starts caring a little that can be excellent because air has a big role in the reaction occurring in the form of chemistry within our body that a science or biological student can easily understand.

Air has much bigger role to keep the energy vibrating in the right rhythm creating a positive aura around us. We can more closely watch with our perceptions and the actions eventually and all these can happen only when we have streamlined our way of thinking in our daily routine. In nut shell we are all the time interacting with two worlds simultaneously. Cheers!


