It’s Here! Secure by Design is now live!
MOD’s Secure by Design (SbD) is now live and that means a big change to the way things are done in Defence.?
Change can be unsettling, but we’ve got you covered – just read our articles below to get a better understanding of what action you need to take and what it all means for you and your system.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be posting more detailed information on what we’ve learnt from implementing the new approach so that you can address the key challenges and transition successfully.
In the meantime, if you want to know a more detailed Timeline for SbD events, just reach out and get in touch. We’ll help by talking you through it, explain what it means for your system and support you in tailoring your approach.?
You can get in contact with us either through LinkedIn or through our website: Cyber Security Services | Ebeni