?? If it's not a HELL YEAH, it's a NO ??

?? If it's not a HELL YEAH, it's a NO ??

Have you ever been in a situation where you received an inquiry, that made you think?

I mean something that was not completely out of what you are good at, but not really a perfect fit either.

I just received such an inquiry last week and it took me 3 days to decide if I should do it or not. From a revenue point of view, I definitely should have done it. But on the other hand, my gut feeling was bad.

I remembered, that about 2 years ago I had done something similar and it ended up in total chaos, as both - the client and myself - were not happy afterwards. Back then I told myself, that I would never do it again.

Two years later, I was struggling with my decision. Why?

Now, that I have made the decision not to do it, I know why. Because due the potential revenue, I lost my focus. The focus about what I am really good at. The focus about where I can really add value to peoples lifes.

Sure, I could have done it, and I could have done it in an "okay" way. But is that what I am looking for? Okay? NO, it's not.

And while scrolling through hundreds of posts from people attending "Funnel Hacking Live 2018" last week, I saw one thing over and over again. People were crazy about the ??focus on helping people?? which in return gets you were you want to get as an entrepreneur.

This helped me a lot to regain my focus and brought back a phrase to my mind that I had often read in productivity tips. It tells people to say NO more often and only say yes, when you really mean it. Saving you from a lot of wasted time, that could have been investing much better in things, that you really care about and that you are really good at.

?? If it's not a "hell yeah", it's a "no" ??

Seeing this phrase in front of me, it just took me one second to decide. It was a no. Once and for all. And it reminded me, that I one of my new years resolutions was to "say no more often" and focus on the things that really count!

What about you?

How easy is it for you to say no in general and to say no in situations like described above?

Can't wait to hear your story (and solutions)!



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