It's Halloween and we are way short!
Today is Halloween and for kids (and some adults) it is wonderful holiday! Unfortunately for some children like the young lady pictured above, there will be no trick or treating. No, I do not know who she is; all I know is that there is a great need in our world TODAY and I cannot live with myself if I don't do more.
Earlier, I asked for help in raising money for cancer research and care but with all my connections, have fallen WELL SHORT of a goal. This may tell me a number of things but I choose to believe that more help is on the way. :)
I am looking for someone to be moved to give A LOT of money (perhaps a year end tax deduction). As I have said before, I am new to this fundraising thing but not new to caring for people. So, I am begging for help. Thank you for your consideration and hearts! Continued Success and Blessing to you all!
Please donate here.....