It’s Graduation Day!

It’s Graduation Day!

A rite of spring. It happens every year. Happy students gather to receive their diplomas and move on in life’s journey. I can still remember when I graduated high school. The year was 1981. All my graduating classmates returned from senior week to gather at the football field. It was there we received our diplomas. Afterwards, we scattered like spilled marbles. Each one off to do their own things.

Much time has passed. I have watched both of my children graduate high school. This is a mind-bending experience. Of course, you are very proud as a loving parent should be. Then again, one cannot help but question how this happened. You are now as your parents were when you graduated. Which brings me to my topic. Time.

As the old saying goes, time stands still for no one. Everyone ages as God declared. At some point we all die. Some live longer than others but we all pass from this life. That it is very much like graduation day. If you met expectations set by the school, you receive a diploma. If you meet God’s expectations, you receive a crown.

James 1: 12 states, “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” Pursuing the crown of life is all that matters. Whatever anyone chooses to do with their life after high school is just a waste of time if they don’t receive the crown.

A high school student must pass a test which is called “finals.” This is how the teacher knows the student is approved. Likewise, a Christian must pass a test. It comes in the form of temptation. If he endures, he is approved.

My wish for those graduating this spring is to make the most of your life by choosing to serve God. A life of faith is an amazing journey. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to Solomon who records his experience in seeking the best out of life. “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all. For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12: 13 - 14



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