It's Good Business To Make Healthier Food
These past days have definitely been hot ones, but today seemed even worse, and likely because the humidity was higher. The smoke in the atmosphere from the fires up in Canada, was definitely visible today. I wouldn't be surprised if it's seeding clouds to where we'll be getting hit with some severe thunderstorms in the coming weeks.
It was somewhat quiet at office this morning, which allowed me to get some first of the month accounting done, as well as making a trip to the bank. I couldn't help noticing the near non-stop commotion over at the Kirk Apartment site where there were eighteen wheelers and dump trucks, delivering what looked like a mixture of sand and clay-filled soil. The young man driving that big skid-loader, sure had his hands full with getting it spread out before another truck arrived. Of course every time one of those trucks pulled in, there'd be more of that fine dust stirred-up. I don't even want to mention how filthy the front windows of my office are. I'll not be washing them until they're finally finished across the street.
A prospective seller called late this morning, just to as a few question regarding the process of selling her mother's home. Every question she asked, I freely answered, so when she finally hung up, not even ten minutes later, she called back to schedule an appointment for me to meet with the family this coming weekend. As chance would have it, I was in that very home when it was for sale a number of years ago.
I had a quick lunch snack, and then changed into my grubbies and headed over to work for several hours on that door I've been fighting with. I've now got it to the point where I believe that painted side will be fully stripped, once I go over it with one last coat of stripper. It's finally taking shape, so hopefully the other side which has shellac on it, will be a breeze to get stripped and cleaned up. Someone asked me today, why I didn't just go out and buy a new five-panel door instead of spending those many hours working on it. My only answer was, "Well, the last time I checked on the cost of a replacement door which was before the pandemic arrived, was over a thousand dollars.", which put an end to the subject of buying a new one.
When I arrived back at office, I had just enough time to get cleaned up before my client arrived, who was delivering a very old cabinet as his gift to me as a remembrance. Once we got it in the back of my office, I took a really good look at it, and then announced that it was an oak piece which was likely created between the 1880's and 1890's. Luckily, someone must've in the past, stripped and re-varnished it, so I'll now have to decide where it will look its best. I was quite surprised all the brass hardware was still intact. Back when I was in high school and working summers for elderly farmers, one of my 'clients' had one very similar which she had standing at one end of her kitchen where she stored various kitchen related items.
Tonight's photo is one I took yesterday of a large clump of Iris' which by the looks of them, were a very old variety which you rarely see growing in these times. I also took a photo of an even older variety of Peonies which was popular before all the double and triple blossoming ones hit the market. What I like about the single blooms, is they're not so heavy like those of today which have to be contained, just so they don't fall to the ground from their own weight. I'll post the peony photo tomorrow. Even though I like the looks and smell of them, I'd never use them as cut flowers, because they're normally filled with ants looking for nectar.
As it stands, I have an appointment to list a home tomorrow, which shouldn't take only a few days to go under contract. It's definitely one of those homes which is hard to find in this market, along with having an appeal to both young and old. I particularly like the neighborhood it's in, so we'll see what kind of activity we'll be getting on it.
I took a little time to get caught up on some of our Local, State, National and International news. After about a half hour or more of reading a few of the articles which interested me, there's no question there's hot-spots of unrest going on in every corner of the world, which troubles me deeply. The Middle East countries, along with the African continent as a whole, seem to have fighting and killing going on nearly all the time, to where I'd swear some of those people have been enduring it for generations, which has turned into a vicious cycle.
One of the emails I received today, was a link to the funeral service for Ben Schmidt who was a Realtor I'd worked with in the past. I was deeply saddened when I found out about his sudden death, because every time I had any dealings with him, he was truly a gentleman. I'll definitely have to get a card sent to his family. He was only 38 years old! Like I've said many-a-time, "The good die young, while the devils hang on until they have to be screwed into the ground." I will certainly never forget him.
A colleague of mine made me laugh when talking about how non-photogenic he is when saying, "The best picture of me, is a mental one people get when listening to me talk on the radio." Now that response did bring back memories whenever we'd be listening to radio talk shows, and then creating in our minds, visuals of the guest speakers. My how times have changed where it's ALL out there for ALL to see.
Tonight's One-liner is: When it's good business to make healthier food, then it becomes sustainable.