It's God's Story, Not Yours

It's God's Story, Not Yours

?I was blessed to provide this message at church this past Sunday. If you feel like you're stuck between the Egyptian Army and the Red Sea, may you find hope and assurance in this message.

“I will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously;? ??????????

horse and rider he has thrown into the sea.?

The LORD is my strength and my might,? ??????????

and he has become my salvation;? ?????

this is my God, and I will praise him,? ??????????

my father’s God, and I will exalt him.? T

he LORD is a warrior;? ??????????

the LORD is his name. (Exodus 15:1-2)

This is the Word of our Lord

Thanks be to God

?Let’s all think back to March of 2020. Roughly three and a half years ago. This thing called Covid or Coronavirus that we’d started hearing about a few weeks earlier really hit home in March, didn’t it? And none of us knew quite what to do. It felt like a giant monster bearing down on us, chasing us to the edge of a cliff, and we had no idea what was going to happen.

Every once in awhile, I and a co-worker think back on those days. When businesses were told to close and people were told to stay home, we didn’t have a clue what that meant to us. Fortunately, we were considered an “essential business” and we didn’t have to close down entirely but, still, there were lots of questions.? Maybe we’d be open but would we have any customers to serve? Would we be able to get raw materials for our products? Would any of us get sick? Would any of us die? It was a weird time.

?And at the time, I was part of something we called Joy Church. Yeah, many of you recall that. And we were forced to close and stop holding services. So, that raised all kinds of questions. Would everyone we were accustomed to seeing each Sunday be okay? Would we ever get to hold services again? Where in the world was this all leading?

?A few months later, we did try to hold services for a few weeks but hardly anyone came. And when we did gather, we had to stay – remember this – six feet from each other. We had to wear masks. We couldn’t do our normal hugs and hand shakes to welcome and love on one another. It was a weird time. So, we stopped holding services entirely and we started stepping back and reviewing things a bit. For a few years leading up to Covid, Terry and Candy Sharp had been regular fixtures at Joy Church, welcoming everyone, fixing breakfasts, teaching, loving on us. And they both got Covid – at least a couple of times as I recall.? It was announced that the Alpha Center, where we’d previously held services and provided Sunday breakfast, was moving. Things felt very uncertain. Many of us wondered, would we ever re-open?

Then the idea of a new church began to be developed. Community of Hope was a name that was chosen after prayer and discussion. We’d move along with the Alpha Center to their new location adjacent to the new Mercy Mission House that would be serving our community. Terry and Candy’s daughter designed this beautiful new logo for us.

But even at that, it would be months before the new facility was open and we’d be able to hold services once again. So in October 2021 – just about two years ago, Community of Hope was launched and we were back together again. And then, just about a year ago in September 2022, we were able to move our services into this beautiful sanctuary here in the Mercy Mission House facility. We had a new place to worship and to learn. To find rest and refuge, to grow and to love on each other.

And it’s been good. We’ve seen our congregation and our breakfasts grow. We’ve made new friendships. We’ve cared for one another and broken bread together. We’ve seen new leaders come forth – heard from new speakers and new worship leaders. It’s been good indeed.

But, let’s not lose sight of the fact that that was only after a great period of uncertainty. The uncertainty of Covid bearing down on us. The uncertainty of not seeing one another. The uncertainty of not knowing if we’d ever again be back together. And during that period of time, there was heartache. We lost friends and members of our congregation. We lost parents and siblings. But God was faithful and He led us through those times so that we might be here today in a beautiful sanctuary, once again sharing with one another and enjoying each other’s company.

Our lives are full of times of uncertainty, aren’t they? From the beginning of time, man has faced difficulties and uncertainty. And yet, for those of us who know Jesus Christ as our Savior and God as our Creator and our Loving Father, we can look back and see God’s faithfulness to us during the difficult times. We can see the lessons He taught us and the way He uses those times to prepare us for the future and to build our own stories in ways that we can go on and be encouragers and helpers of others.

The Bible is full of stories of difficulty, of uncertain and troubling times. Today, I want to look at one of those. And, to do that, I’m going to read a passage from the Bible and just give you a chance to listen as I stop perhaps every few lines and discuss the impact of this story on us.

Now, before I start, here’s a chance for a collective groan – it’s an Old Testament story. Oh no, Todd! What are you doing to us? Heehee, I get it.? I know that when I read the Bible, what I really want to dig into are the red letters – the words of Jesus. Anyone else like that? I bet many of you are.? Give me the stuff that’s only about 2,000 years old, I say, not the stuff that is five or six thousand years old!

Well, actually, the Old Testament story we’re digging into today is a pretty exciting one. So, I think it will keep us all engaged and thinking, and not put us to sleep.? And I am going to read from The Message translation of the Bible so we won’t have a ton of thees and thous, wherefores, or begats to wade through.

?Like I said, I am going to read a line or so at a time and then stop and talk about it as we read Exodus Chapter 14. Now this is a story where the Israelites had been living in Egypt but they were leaving. They’d been there for about 400 years, having left the land of Canaan, later known as Israel, due to a great famine there. And they’d been doing okay in Egypt until their numbers grew so large that they made the Egyptian leader -- Pharaoh -- nervous. So Pharaoh basically enslaved them, forcing the Israelites to build homes and cities for the Egyptians. So then God raised up Moses as a leader of the Israelites and gave him the responsibility of leading the Israelites out of Egypt to what they called the Promised Land.

And that’s where this story picks up. The Egyptians, upset about losing their slave labor, are chasing after the Israelites with the intention of bringing them back to Egypt to continue working for them.

?God?spoke to Moses: “Tell the Israelites to turn around and make camp at Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. Camp on the shore of the sea opposite Baal Zephon.

So, take note of these very specific instructions that God gave to Moses and the Israelites. He told them exactly where to go. And He told them that they had to turn around from the direction they were going. If they chose not to follow these instructions, they’d be outside of the plan that God had put together. Kind of sounds like our own lives, doesn’t it? God gives us directions and then we decide whether to follow.

“Pharaoh will think, ‘The Israelites are lost; they’re confused. The wilderness has closed in on them.’ Then I’ll make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn again and he’ll chase after them. And I’ll use Pharaoh and His army to put my Glory on display. Then the Egyptians will realize that I am?God.”

Okay, so this is interesting as well. God’s plan is ultimately for God’s glory. I don’t know about you but I can lose sight of? that sometimes in my life. When I am following God’s calling, it’s not for my comfort. It’s not for the well-being of me or my family. Instead, it’s for God’s glorification. In this case, God wanted the Egyptians to come to know Him. The Israelites already knew God. Moses already knew God. He was following Him. So God’s plan, which involved the Israelites, was ultimately so that the Egyptians would also see God for who He is.

And that’s what happened.

When the king of Egypt was told that the people were gone, he and his servants changed their minds. They said, “What have we done, letting Israel, our slave labor, go free?” So he had his chariots harnessed up and got his army together. He took six hundred of his best chariots, with the rest of the Egyptian chariots and their drivers coming along.

So, here’s what is playing out – six hundred of the finest chariots.? Plus the Egyptian army, all bearing down on the Israelites who, having been slaves, really didn’t have much. They didn’t have weapons or chariots. Just like us in the battles we face in our lives, they felt defenseless. But, they had God … because with the leadership of Moses they were following God’s plan, God’s story. This wasn’t the Israelites’ story. This was God’s story. Just as we need to remember when we go through tough times – it’s not our story, it’s God’s story we’re a part of.

God?made Pharaoh king of Egypt stubborn, determined to chase the Israelites as they walked out on him without even looking back.

Okay, notice that – the Israelites left without looking back. They felt pretty bold at that time. They were leaving Egypt, following God, holding their heads high, not looking back. And that is awesome. How often do we start out following God that way – with confidence. But then, when the troubles start, we start to waver. We’ll see how that plays out for the Israelites. They leave Egypt with confidence but what happens when the Egyptian army catches up with them?

The Egyptians gave chase and caught up with them where they had made camp by the sea—all Pharaoh’s horse-drawn chariots and their riders, all his foot soldiers there at Pi Hahiroth opposite Baal Zephon.

As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up and saw them—Egyptians! Coming at them!

So, now we will see what happens when their problems start to bear down on them. Whatever your problems – your Egyptians if you will -- may be, do you ever look up and see them coming after you? Maybe it’s financial problems, health problems, maybe even that person at work who seems to always successfully try your patience. Not a good feeling, is it, to look up and see our difficulties bearing down on us … and not know what is ahead of us?

They were totally afraid. They cried out in terror to?God. They told Moses, “Weren’t the cemeteries large enough in Egypt so that you had to take us out here in the wilderness to die? What have you done to us, taking us out of Egypt? Back in Egypt didn’t we tell you this would happen? Didn’t we tell you, ‘Leave us alone here in Egypt—we’re better off as slaves in Egypt than as corpses in the wilderness.’”

So, the Israelites look up and see their problems, their enemies, the Egyptians bearing down on them, and what do they do?? They whine. They cry. They complain. Moses, what’s up? You couldn’t have just let us be worked to death as slaves in Egypt? Instead we have to be brought out in the desert to be stabbed by arrows and spears and trampled by horses and chariots?? Kind of what we can often do as our first reaction when our problems are bearing down on us, huh? When we get that bad health diagnosis. When we have to face difficult relationships. When we get that bill we can’t pay. When that thing that feeds our addiction is rearing its ugly head. We cry. We whimper. Why me? Why is this happening to me? Again, we think we’re an actor in our OWN story, don’t we? We lose sight of the fact that, as Christ followers, we are actors in God’s story – for His glory, not our own.

Moses spoke to the people: “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and watch?God?do his work of salvation for you today. Take a good look at the Egyptians today for you’re never going to see them again.

As the Israelites’ leader, Moses is encouraging, isn’t he? He has seen God in the burning bush and on the mountain top. He has the full confidence of the Lord in his actions and words. He speaks boldy to his people as he tells them that today will be the end of their Egyptian problem. Makes me think of the Orkin man when he shows up and promises the end to my ant problem in our bathroom or something.

Okay, now just for this next verse – verse 14 - I am going to switch to the NIV translation of the Bible.

The Lord Himself will fight for you. You won’t have to lift a finger in your defense.

I wanted? to read that translation for that verse because it really speaks to me. I face difficulties in my life, and I tend to think that I have to be the one who fights them. But that’s not really the case, is it? ?If I am following the Lord and doing what He calls me to do, all I have to do is continue to do what He calls me to. I don’t have to fight for myself or come up with my own strategies, answers, or defense, do I? I just have to follow Him and let God fight my battles.

There’s a song out by Phil Wickham and here are a few lines from it:

When all I see is the battle, You see my victory When all I see is the mountain, You see a mountain moved And as I walk through the shadow, Your love surrounds me There's nothing to fear now for I am safe with You

So when I fight, I'll fight on my knees With my hands lifted high Oh God, the battle belongs to You And every fear I lay at Your feet I'll sing through the night Oh God, the battle belongs to You

We don’t have to whine and whimper like the Israelites first did, do we?? Because our battles belong to God – they are not our fights. Again, this is His story, not our story.

God?said to Moses: “Why cry out to me? Speak to the Israelites. Order them to get moving. Hold your staff high and stretch your hand out over the sea: Split the sea! The Israelites will walk through the sea on dry ground.

Okay, again, God is giving very specific directions here, isn’t He? Telling Moses exactly what to do.? This is God’s time to shine, not Moses’s.? God’s story, not ours.

“Meanwhile I’ll make sure the Egyptians keep up their stubborn chase—I’ll use Pharaoh and his entire army, his chariots and horsemen, to put my Glory on display so that the Egyptians will realize that I am?God.”

Once again, the battle of those following God is to ultimately glorify God, not ourselves. God made promises to the Isrealites to protect them and He does the same for us. Our perspective changes so much when we realize that we can follow Him and go through the fight, go through the battle, go through the difficulty, because our fight was won where?? On the cross. At Calvary. The destiny of those who have accepted Christ as their Savior is already determined. It is sealed in the book of time.

The angel of God that had been leading the camp of Israel now shifted and got behind them. And the Pillar of Cloud that had been in front also shifted to the rear. The Cloud was now between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel. The Cloud enshrouded one camp in darkness and flooded the other with light. The two camps didn’t come near each other all night.

To protect the Israelites, God covered the Egyptians in darkness so they couldn’t see anything while other translations of the Bible are very specific that God also gave a great fire to the Israelites so that they could see.

Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and?God, with a terrific east wind all night long, made the sea go back. He made the sea dry ground. The seawaters split.

What’s happened here is that the Israelites are stuck between the Egyptian army (enshrouded in darkness) and the Red Sea. Now, I’m not sure exactly how wide the Red Sea was where they were camped. But let’s just say it was pretty formidable. In fact, at its widest, the Red Sea is about 200 miles across. But even if the Israelites crossed at a very narrow portion, it was still probably five to seven miles. It was not something that any of them could just swim across. So, you can see the dire straits they were in. They could not get out of this situation due to their own power. Only God could get them through. God knew how this would play out, just as He knows when you feel stuck between your problems, your difficulty, and an uncertain future. You think God didn’t know how things would play out during Covid when we were unable to meet as a church? Of course He knew.

The Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground with the waters a wall to the right and to the left. The Egyptians came after them in full pursuit, every horse and chariot and driver of Pharaoh racing into the middle of the sea. It was now the morning watch.?God looked down from the Pillar of Fire and Cloud on the Egyptian army and threw them into a panic. He clogged the wheels of their chariots; they were stuck in the mud.

The Egyptians said, “Run from Israel!?God?is fighting on their side and against Egypt!”

God?said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea and the waters will come back over the Egyptians, over their chariots, over their horsemen.”

Again, very specific instructions. And the Egyptians are seeing God’s power, just as God wanted them to. This is God’s story, God’s doing – not Moses’s story or Moses’s power.

Moses stretched his hand out over the sea: As the day broke and the Egyptians were running, the sea returned to its place as before.?God?dumped the Egyptians in the middle of the sea. The waters returned, drowning the chariots and riders of Pharaoh’s army that had chased after Israel into the sea. Not one of them survived.

But the Israelites walked right through the middle of the sea on dry ground, the waters forming a wall to the right and to the left.?God delivered Israel that day from the oppression of the Egyptians. And Israel looked at the Egyptian dead, washed up on the shore of the sea, and realized the tremendous power that?God?brought against the Egyptians. The people were in reverent awe before?God?and trusted in?God?and his servant Moses.

Isn’t that how it goes when we see God carry us through our problems? We’re grateful and we see His trustworthiness and His love for us … at least until our next problem and then all too soon and all too often we’re back to whining again, aren’t we?

When we make the decision to follow God, we’re now His story, not our own. While sometimes our human reaction may be something else – to cry out or whine or whimper -- the fact that we’re God’s children allows us to face our Red Seas, to face our problems, to face our mountains boldy, so that God might be glorified. So that those Egyptians, those problems we face, may see His power and His love for His children.

Are you trapped between a great army and the Red Sea right now, or have you ever been before? No doubt we have all felt that way at times.

My default sometimes when I am facing a problem is to freeze. To not want to do anything. Anyone else ever put off that visit to the doctor or the dentist because you don’t want to hear what you fear may be difficult news? Anyone else ever just avoid that person whom we’ve had difficulties with? Anyone just avoid conflict rather than try to address it in a healthy way? Anyone ever just go ahead and give in and feed that addiction, that craving, one more time rather than fight it?

We’ve all be there. But here’s the fact – we do those things because we think it’s our story. It isn’t. Once we give our lives to Christ, it’s His story. Our victory is in Jesus and our lives are His. Our victory was already won at Calvary.

God wanted the Israelites to face the Egyptians not so they could show how great they were or how great of a leader Moses was.? He wanted them to face the Egyptians so that the Egyptians would see how great God is.

If you’d told me before Covid that this congregation would be meeting in this beautiful sanctuary, that I’d have all the new friends I have made the last couple of years, I’d have told you that you were crazy. But for God. Because of God, though, we are here. To Him goes all glory. Hallelujah, this is His story, not ours.

So, here’s some advice for the next time you face that difficulty – be it the Egyptian Army, the Red Sea, an illness, that next craving for something you shouldn’t have, whatever difficulty you face:

·????? Know that your life is God’s story, not your story

·????? Find someone who has been there and seek their encouragement, just as Moses encouraged the Israelites.

·????? Remember how God has brought you through difficulties and Red Seas before.

·????? Stay in the comfort of God and be bold. Find out where God is leading you and then pursue Him with vigor.

God is not done with any of us yet. In fact, He never will be. Let Him bring you through the parts of His story so that ultimately you bring honor and glory to Him.

Let’s pray.


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