????IT'S FRIDAY ????
?? Vicky Stanton PCC ICF Coach FCIPD
?? Helping Senior Leaders & Entrepreneurs show up every day as their best self. Be YOU with confidence & get success on your terms! | Business & Personal Performance Coach | Leadership & Exec Mindset Coach | Networking |
Have you done it?
Whatever you decided you were going to achieve this week?
or did something get in the way?
Did it really? What really stopped you?
Could you have done it if you had chosen to?
Go on be honest?
We often decide that we haven't had time, haven't got time because of x, y or z ...or that happened!
Now don't get me wrong .. sometimes that does happen! Sometimes something flies in from left field that we didn't expect and throws us off kilter for an hour or a day.
It's Ok as long as you know but if what has really happened is a bit of catching up on Facebook .. joining in the election chitter chatter, making lots of cuppa's because you really don't want to do the thing .. then you need to identify it and decide if it what you want to be doing or do you need to stop it?
There will be things you are doing that you absolutely need to keep doing, things that you need to stop doing and things that you need to start doing.
The trickis to recognise what they are and put plans into place to get it sorted.
In the Business Boosting Blueprint, there is a whole mini class on spotting where your time is going and what to do to get it back!
INETERSTED? Well until 28th April (midnight) you can get the whole programme for lifetime access for just £127.
Pop over here and check it out and join me to get your business boosting for the rest of the year.
Be great to have you on board